
Responses from jazzman7

Rockna Wavelight Music Server
@verdantaudio What do you mean by long term flexibility? Can you flush that out a little bit. And as I understand it the Wavedream Net is a memory player, reading everything into Ram before playing it.  Although the Wavelight Server does not have ... 
Rockna Wavelight Music Server
@verdantaudio How does the Wavelight Server compare to the Wavedream Net  
Thiel Owners
@lars888888  I've been very happy driving my CS 2.4 speakers with a Coda CSiB v1 integrated amp. The Coda doubles down as you halve the impedance.  The CSiB is for all intents and purposes a CODA 8 basic amp with an integrated line stage.  Prior ... 
Thiel Owners
Just in case anyone is interested. TMR has listed a pair of oak CS 3.6 speakers for $1149 + $399 for shipping. Serial numbers were not listed. https://tmraudio.com/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/thiel-cs3-6-floorstanding-speakers-cs-3-6-oak-... 
Higher-End Class A/B vs. Class A Integrateds
+1 for the Coda CSiB. I have the v1 which is 150 watts per channel into 8 ohms with the first 18 watts in class A. I use it to drive a pair of difficult to drive Thiel CS 2.4 speakers, and it handles the task with ease.  Most highly recommended.  
Looking for intermediate-step Streamer: better than BS Node and not @ Bartok level pricing
Hello Joe, my name is Stu and I’m a roonaholic. Roon is my absolute control app of choice.  Given that you don’t require support for a streaming service other than either Qobuz and/or Tidal, then I don’t think Roon can be beat. It’s not cheap, but... 
Looking for intermediate-step Streamer: better than BS Node and not @ Bartok level pricing
In answer to your question how was the Bricasti M5 a big step up in comparison to Bluesound Kit (a Node 2i) or to a Roon Nucleus with Sbooster LPS functioning as server/streamer: Lower noise floor, better sound stage and imaging; felt like I could... 
Looking for intermediate-step Streamer: better than BS Node and not @ Bartok level pricing
I have had a very good experience with the Bricasti M5.  I'm running it as a Roon bridge.  Can also be run using Jriver or Audirvana functioning as your OS. List price is something like $2400, but can be found used in the $1300 to $1800 range.   ... 
CODA amp No.8, Bryston 4B3, or Ayre VX-5 Twenty
Big +1 for Coda.  Have the Coda CSiB v1 integrated amp which is essentially a Coda 8 with a built in line stage. Using it to drive Thiel CS 2.4 speakers in a room which is very similar to your own. You can check out my room and system details here... 
Does an upgrade make sense?
+1 for DAC first.  Then Roon ... I love it and it takes your streaming experience and music discovery to a whole other level.  
dacs that I have had in my system - a listing
@earthbound  Picked up a Rockna Wavelight back in March and am very happy with it. Replaced a Chord Qutest in my main rig.  Nothing wrong with the Qutest, but the Wavelight is just in another league, which given the price differential it should b... 
Thiel Owners
In case anyone is interested, TMR has listed a pair of CS 2.4SE serial# 127,128 They are asking $3148.95 + $399 shipping within continental US https://tmraudio.com/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/thiel-cs2-4se-floorstanding-speakers-vermillion-m... 
Thiel Owners
In case anyone is interested: TMR is listing a pair of 2.4SE for $2999 plus shipping. Condition listed as very good. SN 127, 128. https://tmraudio.com/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/thiel-cs2-4se-floorstanding-speakers-vermillion-maple-pair-30t... 
Roon….The Gordon Knot of concierge musical services?
Given that you really like Roon and have already invested in a lifetime Roon subscription, I think it is a relative no brainer to make the further investment in a dedicated Roon server.  A non dedicated device such as a PC is constantly multitaski... 
Thiel Owners
@cowhorn  Not a knock on your Bluesound Node (I have 4 pieces of Bluesound kit strewn about the house), but relative to your other kit, I would pick it as the weak link in your system, not your speakers. I think upgrading your source into your De...