Responses from jazzman7
Rockna Wavelight Music Server @verdantaudio What do you mean by long term flexibility? Can you flush that out a little bit. And as I understand it the Wavedream Net is a memory player, reading everything into Ram before playing it. Although the Wavelight Server does not have ... | |
Rockna Wavelight Music Server @verdantaudio How does the Wavelight Server compare to the Wavedream Net | |
Thiel Owners @lars888888 I've been very happy driving my CS 2.4 speakers with a Coda CSiB v1 integrated amp. The Coda doubles down as you halve the impedance. The CSiB is for all intents and purposes a CODA 8 basic amp with an integrated line stage. Prior ... | |
Thiel Owners Just in case anyone is interested. TMR has listed a pair of oak CS 3.6 speakers for $1149 + $399 for shipping. Serial numbers were not listed. https://tmraudio.com/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/thiel-cs3-6-floorstanding-speakers-cs-3-6-oak-... | |
Higher-End Class A/B vs. Class A Integrateds +1 for the Coda CSiB. I have the v1 which is 150 watts per channel into 8 ohms with the first 18 watts in class A. I use it to drive a pair of difficult to drive Thiel CS 2.4 speakers, and it handles the task with ease. Most highly recommended. | |
Looking for intermediate-step Streamer: better than BS Node and not @ Bartok level pricing Hello Joe, my name is Stu and I’m a roonaholic. Roon is my absolute control app of choice. Given that you don’t require support for a streaming service other than either Qobuz and/or Tidal, then I don’t think Roon can be beat. It’s not cheap, but... | |
Looking for intermediate-step Streamer: better than BS Node and not @ Bartok level pricing In answer to your question how was the Bricasti M5 a big step up in comparison to Bluesound Kit (a Node 2i) or to a Roon Nucleus with Sbooster LPS functioning as server/streamer: Lower noise floor, better sound stage and imaging; felt like I could... | |
Looking for intermediate-step Streamer: better than BS Node and not @ Bartok level pricing I have had a very good experience with the Bricasti M5. I'm running it as a Roon bridge. Can also be run using Jriver or Audirvana functioning as your OS. List price is something like $2400, but can be found used in the $1300 to $1800 range. ... | |
CODA amp No.8, Bryston 4B3, or Ayre VX-5 Twenty Big +1 for Coda. Have the Coda CSiB v1 integrated amp which is essentially a Coda 8 with a built in line stage. Using it to drive Thiel CS 2.4 speakers in a room which is very similar to your own. You can check out my room and system details here... | |
Does an upgrade make sense? +1 for DAC first. Then Roon ... I love it and it takes your streaming experience and music discovery to a whole other level. | |
dacs that I have had in my system - a listing @earthbound Picked up a Rockna Wavelight back in March and am very happy with it. Replaced a Chord Qutest in my main rig. Nothing wrong with the Qutest, but the Wavelight is just in another league, which given the price differential it should b... | |
Thiel Owners In case anyone is interested, TMR has listed a pair of CS 2.4SE serial# 127,128 They are asking $3148.95 + $399 shipping within continental US https://tmraudio.com/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/thiel-cs2-4se-floorstanding-speakers-vermillion-m... | |
Thiel Owners In case anyone is interested: TMR is listing a pair of 2.4SE for $2999 plus shipping. Condition listed as very good. SN 127, 128. https://tmraudio.com/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/thiel-cs2-4se-floorstanding-speakers-vermillion-maple-pair-30t... | |
Roon….The Gordon Knot of concierge musical services? Given that you really like Roon and have already invested in a lifetime Roon subscription, I think it is a relative no brainer to make the further investment in a dedicated Roon server. A non dedicated device such as a PC is constantly multitaski... | |
Thiel Owners @cowhorn Not a knock on your Bluesound Node (I have 4 pieces of Bluesound kit strewn about the house), but relative to your other kit, I would pick it as the weak link in your system, not your speakers. I think upgrading your source into your De... |