Responses from jayctoy
XRCD Technology Vderic you are totally right, I bought the xrcd discof Andrea Bocelli ROMANZA,its very thin sounding,no romance sound.Same thing with SACD its doesntmean its sacd, its automatically a good recording.NOT SO. BE CAREFUL. | |
SONY SCD-1 vs the New Generation of Competition Rbstehno, I received my sony9000es level III modtube stage, analog Bybee filters, Amp Direct Modwith DACT-2 Attenuator.I dont use preamp anymore,The sound is so musical,sound stage is huge, instruments are on the place, vocal beautiful.the bass is... | |
Cardas Golden Power Cord..... Trip try the costum power cord model 11, I havethe mono extreme,they are good for amp.SinceI bought this pc, I am very happy. Sometimes I will post here to get an idea, but most ofpc recommendatio are between 1000 to 1500 dollars.Yes cardas pc are... | |
CD players with volume control ????? I received my sony 9000 es signature mod ref from DanWright, It was delayed, because I hesitated to putvolume control,Finally I did.When I play cd directto my aextreme monos, I think its better.This is without burn in.My preamp is more than 2k.The... | |
Anyone using NITES on their CD player?? You know Flex you are right I am glad you brought thisneutral thing,Also I think the sounstring is not as balance from top to bottom.Maybe the guy is talking about the price, what you can get on the SS, compareto KimberP. Thanks for the insight. | |
Cable break-in Just be patient,especially cardas it takes forever,but once they burn, the musicality its worth beingpatient, with my oddyssey also it took 3 mos,I almost gave up, once they open up,IMS they performbetter than amp 3 time the price.good luck | |
Anyone using NITES on their CD player?? Pilar, I read the review and you are right,theyprefer the sounstring than the Kimber Palladian,thats very interseting. | |
Anyone using NITES on their CD player?? Eagle the one I spoke too, He tried most of the expensive power cable,Its hard to mention nameshere,especially silent source is not that popularyet.But someone also told me, the Kimber palladianis a very very good cable,if there is pc that isbette... | |
Anyone using NITES on their CD player?? Eagle Someone told me, the silent source pc, is even better than,,palladian, VD nites, and some pc costing $1500. I dont know how true.Have you adution them yet? | |
XRCD Technology I agree with tireguy, We are bless to both format.they are both excellent.ENJOY. | |
Skipping CD's I agree with Sean,but my experience, with my cdpis because of moisture, I open my player and wipethe lens with smooth auric illuminator cloth,Youcan also try the auric illuminator to apply withyour cds, dont do it with the chesky, read theinstruct... | |
modified jolida 100, mh cd-25, or audio aero prima Matt I am also happy with my 9000es before I send itto Modwright,today for sure I will get it. I willupdate you, if this player would blow away myAH 4000 with upsampler,and my cec transport msb daccombination.Although it might need 100 hours ormor... | |
Cables - When Did it All Start? I dont know if this would help,Iam not sure if itsalso true,One salesman at tweeter told me the reasonwhy monster cable are cheaper but good.He saidthat Noel Lee got the patent,So everyone who sellspay him royalty?WILLING TO BE CORRECTED IF WRONG.... | |
modified jolida 100, mh cd-25, or audio aero prima I totally agree with Aniwolfe, the Jolida doesntneed modification, may be good tubes only.I heardthis player, the performer are in the room. | |
How would you rate ??? I heard the oval analysis the model, bet $200 and $400dit not like it,Au24 yes this cable is very good,butI prefer my cardas gonden cross,My siltech Ls 120 g3with the right system also is hard to beat,AZ hologramnever heard but I suspect,sonic wis... |