

Responses from jayctoy

Best SACD for under $1200
I second the sony mod,but with volume control, TVADis right the sony mod is stunning. 
Are Von Schweikert VR-2s worth auditioning?
Yes Its worth it,I spend three hours listeningto my friend house although I only plan tostay for 30 minutes,very transparent,musical,bass is maybe what you are looking for. 
JM Labs Beryllium
I wonder why no one talk about Diapason III, this areFrench speaker,very musical as a whole, of coursethey are not perfect. 
SACD search for $4k-6k
I second the SCD1, ask Dan Wright and Richard Kernfor the mod.Sony are 2k now, this might save you money.Or the audience mod Sony 9000es. 
Which amplifier to drive B&W Nautilus 802?
I will go for Plinius SA100, I heard this combination.It sounds very good. 
What is your most beautiful component?
My marble 6.9 speaker very unique,and my soon to bespeaker arriving next week Diapason Adamantes 
marantz sa-1 mods
Call Modwright.com,Richard Kern maybe. 
Tons od SACD disc, and a diapason speaker. 
Modwright mods to Marantz DV8300
Beatle I have my sony 9000es mod by Dan,He would onlyrecommend the necessary upgrade,My experience withmod,the result is beyond what I expected,Very verynice guy.Not working Him. 
The Fastest most musical amp
I tried many high end amps the oddyssey stratos extreme.is the fastest, and plinius SA100 mark ll second.IMS 
Best $8000 stereo system- used
If you have $8000 go for the Jolida stuff, integratedreceiver,jolida JD100 cd player,nice cabling maybeaudience, or AZ,speakers you still at least 4k left,even the maestro cabling from audience are very verygood, they do at least 80% of what the A... 
CDP Drawer problem
Cosmic is right. 
Siltech LS-188 Vs. Stealth MLT
I agree with Tom.Siltech is the way to go. 
Which CD player to buy, Sony, Meridian, Theta, or?
Moonrat if you have the 9000es with volume control,and the tube,this player is hard to beat especiallyon the sacd,I think very few knows or heard,what a mod9000es can do.I sometimes wonder,and think buyingonother SCD1 to send it to Dan again,to us... 
help me get into gospel
Have you heard Terry MC Almon, Darlene Zschech from Hillsong,Don Moen,this guys they will make youlearn what gospel music is all about. Also Ron KenolyDonnie McClurkin.