

Responses from jayctoy

Digital cable recommendation
Kimber is the most musical Ive heard and revealingsecond to Kimber d60, cardas, pad colossus are goodalso, If your system is on the bright side the colussusis the one for you. 
jolida jd100 or music hall cd25 modified?
I dont know if there is a cd player that can touch,the JD100 for the price, Honestly I have not heard the cd25 modified, the best way try them both, Iheard the jolida 100,the musician are in the room.If I did not need sacd, Ill buy it. 
SACD/Redbook one-box solution?
Buy a Philip 1000 or SONY 9000es if you want to trythe modwright mod. If might not cost you much,instead of buying expensive SACD/ and good redbookcdp.I yalk to Dan. He seems very good on what He does.Good Luck. Not promoting Dan.No relation by bl... 
I just sold my cd player what should i get?
I know you have $ 2500 to spend, save yourself $1600 and audition the Jolida JD100.It might be the rightCD for you, Or buy old sony 9000es and Let Dan Wrightmodify it for you.I have not done it, I am almost80% sure my sony will be ship to him.Go t... 
How to wake up a sleeping Genesis Digital Lens?
Brian You are probably right, Paul and Doug do consult each other. 
How to wake up a sleeping Genesis Digital Lens?
If you cant find the solution, call PS audio askfor Paul Mc Gowan the main designer of this unitI am very sure HE KNOWS. ASK FOR HIS EMAIL. 
jolida 202 or 302?
JMac, I think the integrated I heard is hybrid,Thereis transformer noted behind.I really like the sound.but the Joilida JD100 sounds so live,no elegant sound,no sweetnees, no smoothness,just sounds the players,are in the room. 
jolida 202 or 302?
I went to my friend place yesterday,I heard the integratedjolida tube amp $950, and jolida cd player for $900,Iam making a guest, the sound is the most live and mostnatural sounding, I heard, The whole system is mostlikely 5k, When I heard Eva Cas... 
Review: Eggleston Works Andra mkII Speaker
Well I finally had the chance to Audition the krell FBB300, the sound is very very good,but its not musicalcompare to my oddyssey extreme monos, with my audioart preamp, the sound of krell in my system is notnatural, I have been hearing people des... 
Von Schweikert VR-2's
I listen to VR'2 at a friend house, the gear he is using,monoblock VTL 5k, tube cd player I think it concidencesorry guys ( Iam just guessing on the name of the cd),The cd has a wooden cover on top, pre amp Bel canto,wiring all audience a24, The s... 
Maggies & Logans: Why so many for sale?
I bought Andra eggleston, the left channel ML quest,failed, I told the guy who repair them to sell them,thinking that I will never miss them, guest what?2 weeks later I told the guy, I am not selling them,anymore, I think after I rewired them with... 
Classe, Pass Labs or Odyssey
Honestly the Oddyssey extreme is the better choice,I have them very musical, and neutral,I use themwith my andra 15k speakers.Klaus has 30 days trial.If you live next to me Ill borrow you mine. 
hifi as investment?
I agree there are some gear if get lucky, you will paygood price, a year later you can still sell them sameprice, or make a little profit.As as investment? Myanswer is no.But there are some, who are good at it.I know one, He will offer very low pr... 
Upgrade path from a B&W N805.
I heard the N802 they sound incredible, you will notneed sub, sell your Hgs, it will work. the NO2 willfill your room.Find used. 
Totem or B&W?
My friend own totem model one. He runs them withparasound amp.Iam not sure if its 100 or 200,it sounds very musical.Also I would recommendaerius used if you listen to classical music.they are not that expensive.Good Luck.