Responses from jaybo
mouse pads...cheap isolation tweak??????? now that youve let the cat out of the bag, look for the $200 dollar audio pad soon. | |
Vinyl question they have to be made 1500 at a time, or we'd be paying even more. the guys at classic got around this will pressing the second run at 45 rpms knowing they could double dip on a lot of their best customers......its an old trick but it still works. | |
Which integrated: Nait 5i, Panache or Shanling? the naim......and they sound great with the b&w's | |
Home theater furniture - husband vs. wife when home theatre arrived it was made to be share with the family. lets your wife figure it out(they love a mission). two channel stereo, and the room its in, is a guy thing. | |
GMA Callisto vs. Reference 3a De Capo i neither have real bass, but both have sufficent tonal accuracy, and image like gangbusters. there are however speakers like the totem, sonus fabor, and others that nail the tone and size of each intrument. set will limit your options, but both the... | |
wadia making mistake? sacd's developement is winding down with all music companies with the exception of a few fring audiophile companies. Wadias entrance is more about having a toe-in to fight the competition of existing players than the future. sacd's sales numbers a... | |
DartZeel compared to Pass Labs XA-160/200's if you are crazy enough to spend 20k on an amp (remember reviewers and dealers(even buying one-offs get these much much cheaper)you are ready for the dartzeel. | |
breaking in audio components break-in is never dramatic. its your brain that adjusts. like going from full range speakers to mini monitors....after some time the bass sounds deeper | |
Small speakers for retail store go commercial....jbl, polk | |
Which integrated amp with Harbeths? the krell.....all the BBC derivative models love a krell | |
AMP comparisons - which of these do you like? all three are winners. draw straws...you can't go wrong | |
McIntosh vs. Accuphase look at the resale value......i guess that would make mac likw gold and the others like....well, an automobile | |
Naim amps?? cyrus is the new naim. naim is the new arcam. arcam is the new music fidelity. music fidelity is the new cambridge.....and cambridge is the new cyrus. | |
Has this ever happened to you? ----Long just confirms that the term high end has NO rhyme or reason when it comes to enjoying your music. i spend as much time listening to my second system which cost 10% of the so-called main system.....i love them both, but my favorite records don't kn... | |
best phono-stage for 1200$ max. does your pre or integrated have a phono board? many pre-pre's are not as good as the one already onboard |