
Responses from jaybo

How many pair of speakers do you own?
6 pairs..rogers studio 7's...large advents...ar classic 30's...gradient revolutions...castle harlechs...b&w 802 series 3 matrix. 
First cd purchase
daddy who-daddy cool...northern lights music, mpls, aussie import 
Conrad Johnson and Proac Speakers
cj and proac..made in heaven 
Arcam Alpha 9 phono stage question
yes..and it is quite nice. 
MM to MC back to MM
i've been there and back many times, but there are some incredible mm's that have kept me there for a few years now. 
The Best Turntable for $1300 or less
mmf...denon////lots of used goodies too 
Kef vs Thiel
historically speaking, and today,i think the bbc and studios all over the world get it too 
Top Ten Speakers of All Time?
gonna do brands here to show its more commitment and consistancy than a happy accident. some made some bonners, but many were among the best ever.......dunlavy/ar/rogers/hales/duntech/B&W/kef/impulse/ jbl/klipsch.....honorable mention..bozak/a... 
$75 Thorens vs. $2K+ Michell...is this possible?
plato...i love old speakers, and some of the jbl's (even those over 30 and 40 years old) are still in service in homes and recording studios. the lancers and many others are evidence that some speakers age like wine, while most at any price age li... 
Who is Michael Fremers'
i know...i also know if he buys one, it will no longer be a $6500 cartridge. 
selling vinyl and feeling?
some experience remorse, and for others, it is liberating. 
Levinson 33H vs Boulder 1060/2060??
how about s'morganic? there are a hundred great sounding amps in that price range. the x factor isn't about sound or hi fi equipment...its bigger than that. it isn't even built or designed...it just is. 
$75 Thorens vs. $2K+ Michell...is this possible?
there you have it gentlemen....the concensus is 'spending 2000 dollars beats spending 75'. the real question is...does spending 3200 dollars pay bigger dividends then receiving 15 dollars? after its fully broken in of course. 
Who is Michael Fremers'
whats the point, other than some poor slob justifies an overpriced cartridge by seeing a good review in print (and it will be good), and fremer waists more of his time than he already does. 
Which Recordings Have Widest Soundstage
there is only one...music collectors have purchased and enjoyed tens of thousands of recordings looking for it...come to think of it,i forgot what it was years ago.