
Responses from jax2

How much burn-in for Soliloquy 5.3s
I use AU24's and like them fine with the Wright Mono 10's I'm using. I think that interface may be dependent also on your amp for synergy. Marco 
How much burn-in for Soliloquy 5.3s
Also I'm not sure if your speakers have the newer drivers. Towards the end there before coming out with the 5.3i, Soliloquy were selling a whole bunch of Frankenstein 5.3's when they ran out of some of the 5.3 components. These 5.3's have the meta... 
How much burn-in for Soliloquy 5.3s
Absolutely agree with comments so far. I have a pair of 5.3's that I got with about 200 hrs on them by the estimate of the previous owner who is a friend. They sounded like they were really holding back and very compressed. So much so that I was t... 
What high-end cdp for low-end quality CD's ?
Wellfed - sorry, I missed your earlier response to me. I'm not up to the task either of splaining' this stuff, but I'm not sure that I'm expressing my position well, from your response. Yes, I do think one CD player can do a superior job at creati... 
what is the best way to deal w/ an asymnetrical ..
Seems like you'd want to have some absorption sound panels, or perhaps simply enough absorptive objects, along the solid wall opposite the opening to balance out the two sides. The imbalance would be that you are getting no reflections from the op... 
No one cares this is the anniversary?
Here, here Albert! Thank you for this somber yet vital reminder. May those who gave their lives for our freedom, both on that fateful day in France, as well those who died before them, and those who fight and die so courageously after them, and to... 
Digital harshness or Clipping?
Since writing the original query, and only just recently, I've done a couple of major changes to the studio speakers (LaScalas). I was finding that in the much larger space of the studio, and with the very loose wood floors sucking up much of the ... 
To Hot to Handle?
My folks live in the Nor'east in VT Matty, but I'm clear across the continent in Seattle. Now if you're having a BBQ with two six packs that may entice me to come out there on a whim. Those sixers oughta put some nice KT88 burns so make sure to ha... 
What do you like about your "favorite" retailer?
The massage parlor in back and all that gratuitous sex! Oh, and I like retailers that always ask me if I want paper or plastic, and who double-bag the heavy stuff and offer to carry it out to my car for me. But most of all I like the sex. Yeah, th... 
To Hot to Handle?
Now ye'r cookin' with tubes brother Bumpkin! I like my burgers medium rare please. A little heat never hurt anyone'eh. Set up some industrial sewing machines in your place, hire some imigrant children and maybe Nike'll give you some work assemblin... 
WAF Alert: McCormack DNA .5 on Vandersteen 2W sub?
Goonbah- Yep, it's out in the open, Jon's the one who popped my cherry sending me into the dark netherworld of hi-end never to return to to 'normal' life again! C'mon now, there is no question an amp on a sub is going to be detrimental to the soni... 
Your favorite recent discovery
Jewel - Indeed it is a treat! Thanks...I do enjoy these music threads for that reason....find someone who shares your tastes and it's a wonderful resource. I have not been able to find a copy of the new Lhasa you mentioned. It was not listed on Am... 
Good Quality Distilled Water???
I tried that Tvad, but that big block of ice just kept slipping off the LP and I couldn't get the lid closed on my VPI. This is one of the reasons I quit vinyl altogether. Marco 
Good Quality Distilled Water???
I suggest you use only holy water from the Vatican. It may be pricey, but you get a trip to Italy in the mix, and it'll clean the B'jesus out of those grooves. Marco 
What high-end cdp for low-end quality CD's ?
I'll take some exception to the general recommendation of "buying the very best you can afford" and spending your wad on a digital front end. I would first make sure that the differences between what is available in $2000 price range that is abund...