
Responses from jaffeassc

Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Telemarc, just re-read my last post and other than the typo's (sorry about that), just so there’s no confusion, I was asking for more information on the person that made the stands. 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Wow! If I had to guess I would have said twice that. My son lives in Seattle. I you don't mind giving me a litte more specific info, I'd like him to check them out the next time he's on the island. 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Currently I have 24” Plateau V series stands (4 post stands that are similar to Totem’s). They’re good and heavy and filled with sand and do a good job with my Model 1’s. So I guess I’ll start there. I have learned that stands make a HUGE differen... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Well I did the deed...I bought the Mani's...so now I'll have the opportunity to find out for myself. Thanks everyone very much for your input. Can't wait for the fun to start. 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
A blast from the past! I heard one of the Audire's years ago, not sure which one but it could have been the Otez. In any event, I'm sure it would do very well with the Mani's. My recollection is that they sound similar to Plinius. Are they still i... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Thanks for the clarification. I misspoke. What I should have said was standard biamping using the 9100 for the mids and highs and the P8 for the bass. Still need to find out about the gain and rise time of the two amps. I've sent a inquiry to Plin... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
No apology required Bdgregory. Your posts are very much appreciated and informative. I think what I’m beginning to get from this thread (and probably already knew) is that more is better with the Mani’s, but that I can get satisfactory results wit... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Bdgregory, my last post was just before I read this and was primarily directed to answering Grakesh’s question. Whoa is right!!! We seem to be going in the opposite direction of what I was hoping to hear, but can you please tell us what you are no... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
I think the general consensus is that 200 watts is probably enough power to run the Mani’s full out. The purpose of this thread however is to obtain opinions, either positive or negative, as to whether 125 watts is enough to run the Mani’s given t... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Thanks very much for your comments Js123. I haven’t had the pleasure of auditioning Levinson either; however, I’m sure it makes for an exceptionally good combination. It also appears that you are in the 200 W + camp for driving the Mani’s, so anot... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Well I've listened to the Forests, and while they’re very good speakers, they don't measure up to the Mani's IMO. Ever since I first listened to the Mani's over a year ago I've had "Mani on the mind". It is just an exceptional speaker, again IMO. ... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Ah ha, a naysayer. Baroque lover, I mean that in a very positive way. I really don’t want to make a $4k mistake or have to buy a new amp. Actually I wouldn’t mind a new 9200 or for that matter trying some Plinius separates, but alas back to realit... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Thanks very much for your input Telemarc. I’ve read about the Amber but I’ve never had the opportunity to audition one. I’m sure it sounds wonderful with your Mani’s. Coincidently, I also have a sliding door along one wall and my other wall is ope... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Thanks very much and yes that gives me a good baseline to work from. I’m pleasantly surprised to hear that the single CJ gave you good results. I think my Plinius probably has a little more guts than the CJ so it appears that it may be a pretty go... 
my 9000es is acting strange
Check out this thread "Playing dual layer SACD/CD disc on Sony DVP9000 ES" that was posted on 12/22/05.Sounds like the same or a similar type problem.