
Responses from jackd

Best balanced linestage/preamp for $4000 or less ???
If you shop around you can get a new PS Audio BHK preamp in your price range. 
Upgrading from Integrated Amp to Separates
Another popular choice with the Harbeth speakers are the Luxman integrated amps. 
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs
With the Vandersteen method the high pass filter goes between the preamp and amp so the signal from the speaker terminals is already filtered.  Whether you run the Rythmik's from the preamp's outputs or the speaker terminals the signal is passing ... 
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs
I have tried it both ways and in the end I prefer the speaker level inputs like I was used to with the Vandersteens but in the end it is what you prefer.   
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs
I happen to own them both and neither one obliterates the other.  They are different paths to the same goal.  
Recommendation for a modern Duntech Sovereign 2001 replacement
Also worth a look is Verity Audio including the new Otello introduced at Axpona.  
McIntosh MC611and MC1.25KW-how do they sound compared to 601's and 1.2KW
I have a friend that had them less than a month and even after running them 24/7 with a signal for weeks he found them unlistenable at anything above low levels on both Strad's and Studio 2's.  He had previously owned 303, 452, 601's and 1.2kw's i... 
Mono Blocks on a Budget, is it possible?
There is a pair of recently upgraded Odyssey Khartago Extreme Monoblocks for sale on Audio Circle for $1200.  A hard deal to pass up if you have to have Monos.  
vandersteen 2w subwoofer
The Vandie subs don't care how you achieve the high pass as long as the main amps are crossed at 80hz. 
Amp for Odyssey Lorelei Speakers?
As an owner of the same type of upgraded Lorelei's as stereo5 I would agree that Odyssey amps would be the first choice but if you are determined to look at the all in one integrated amps I would look at the Nuprime IDA-16. 
Linear Tube Audio MZ2 Preamp - has anyone compared it to.......
TerryDid Mark give any reason for why they have balanced input but no balanced output even if it was just "convenience" pair? 
Inexpensive Tube Integrated Amp (Hybrid) To Use With Coincident Speakers
Coincident in fact makes an integrated amp for $1499.  You should talk to Israel and see if that is enough power for your needs as well as inputs.http://www.coincidentspeaker.com/review-dynamo34se-mkii-jun2017.htmlhttp://www.coincidentspeaker.com/... 
Subwoofer for Ayre AX-7e?
As someone who has ownand used a pair of Vandersteen 2WQ's for many years I don't think either they or the new Vandersteen subs would ever work with the speakers you have now that have a minimal bass response in the 50's hz range.That is not the t... 
Recommendation for a modern Duntech Sovereign 2001 replacement
Since your in the NYC area you might want to reach out to Carl at Nola in Brooklyn and see if you can visit the factory and look at the speakers from the KO Series 2 on up.  There should also be dealers in the immediate area.  Also the Devore Gibb... 
Stand mounts for VAC 160i? (Nola Boxers?)
Nola Contenders would also be a good match unless you want to stick with monitors. Carl's speakers are voiced and shown with VAC and ARC tube amps.