
Responses from ivanj

Need help with choosing a tubed pre-amp.
I would say your problem is the combination of Monitor Audio, Belcanto, and Nordost. The Adcom in passive mode is merely letting that edgy, additive combination through. Nevertheless the BAT is a nice preamp. All IMHIO. 
Replacing Sovtek 6922 for NOS
Find out from the manufacturer if 6DJ8s can substitute for the 6922s. The 6922s have a more"rugged" electrical spec than the 6DJ8s, hence the latter may not last very long in that circuit or produce sonic anomalies. The reverse is not true; 6922s ... 
Tube Pre for Klipschorn
Use a SS pre with the Quicksilver horn amps. You might want to try an Adcom 750. Passive mode dead silent, active mode has gain and nearly so. Good combo unless you have to drive LONG interconnects between pre and amp... 
Digital with analoug volume
I think the Levinson 39 and follow-up have them. 
Celestion Ditton 44 Speakers
I had a pair of Ditton 66 and I thought they were great. The larger the amplifier the better. You need a real attention grabber of a big SS amp, like a krell, to make these puppies listen and then they are great. Back then, we used Crown DC300a or... 
Telefunken vs Siemens EL34
What amp? Can you fit a new EH 6CA7? You might like this sound at a much lower price. 
PC that wont change my amp's personality ?
Contact Sergeui at Stealth or Steve at Empirical for a recommendation. You could also try a used Cardas Golden Reference.... 
Review: Linn Akiva Cartridge
It is a pleasure to read a perceptive and well-written review. Thank you! 
Pass Aleph series with Apogee??
I'd consider the X series Pass over the Aleph for any Apogee product. The Alephs will drive but aren't crazy about low efficiency drivers of low impedence. YMMV 
What digital filter are you using with your NS500?
I would be careful with the NS500 used. I've had two new and they both have had problems - suddenly stopped reading disks of any sort. I like the sound and video but there must be a design flaw. As far as SONY goes, they are mute about the issues. 
need more help with cd/sacd selection
I think CambridgeSoundWorks bought out the last of the MK1s. Also www.accessories4less.com may have some - I've dealt with them they're cool. 
APS-13 antenna owners?
I have an APS 9 and am very happy with it. Sometimes longer is harder to deal with. the 9 has plenty of gain for me.Why did APS recommend the 13 in your case? 
What's a good step-up transformer?
I've had good results with inexpensive Ortofon, expensive Ortofon, Denon AU320, Fidelity Research, and Cotter. No hum problems with any of them. Their fidelity is relative, but even the cheap Ortofon was more acceptable than some noisy active step... 
Tube amps you have heard with Quad 989
Detlof, I'm glad you confirmed what I surmised. What input and driver tubes are you using in the Wolcotts? It seems for electrostats the Pass and Plinius rule in SS and Wolcott and Atmasphere are the arbiters of the thermionic realm...Bless Peter ... 
Lyra Helikon SL-Worth upgrade?
Get an Ikeda.