
Responses from itzhak1969

Best speakers under $500? Fire away!
Monitor Audio Bronze 1 the best bookshelf speakers I heard under $ 500 .Amazing bass and resolution for its price. 
best way to convert hdmi out to coax or optical for pre amp input
 hdmi out to coax converters usually aren't reliable and might degrade the sound, You should consider replacing your dac to one that have hdmi input.  
ProAc comparison
I use SS Macintosh amp with superb results. I agree that Proac speakers do need good and amplification and cables to perform best and that they are viscerally revealing weak parts in your system chain. 
Looking for an inexpensive Blue ray player
Excellent choice it's one of the best vlaue for money around ,Please keep us update. 
Looking for an inexpensive Blue ray player
+1 for YamahaIf the sound is the first priority the Yamaha BD-S681 or used Oppo should be on first priority in your list. 
ProAc comparison
I have only the entry level floor standing of Proac speakers the Studio 140 MKII , my amplification & cables cost 4 times more than the Proac’s and they absolutely magical ; Huge soundstage, visceral dynamics ,absolutely neutral and natural .I... 
Looking for an inexpensive Blue ray player
You should consider Yamaha as well great value for money.  
Transport opinions
Dedicated CD transport will give you the best results, from my experience the inner dac at regular CD player is interrupter and obstructive of the transmission of the digital signal to the dac, my cheap Cambridge Audio CXC beat every CD player and... 
ProAc comparison
I heard before the M6i with ProAc speakers and I didn't like this amp at all ,very poor match. Currently I drive my Proac's with McIntosh MC152 and it is an excellent combination. If you are looking for valve amp I think the McIntosh MC275 could b... 
With ATC you are buying excellent drivers and superb crossover,they do not care much about beuty design .This company has a very professional approach to their speakers. 
Do re -wired BI wired speaker cables need break in time ?
40-50 hours break in period needed at least,  Lately I bought used bi wire links and it sounded great from the beginning because my dealer used them regulary for demo sessions.  
How old is too old for a Dac?
ARC Reference dac is very expensive. The Schiit YGGORASIL is a good option on the 2k range price. 
How old is too old for a Dac?
Dedicated CD transport without inner DAC will always sounds better that regular CD player when connected to the same DAC.From my personal experience regular CD players aren’t so good as transport.A dedicated CD transport doesn’t have analog circle... 
ProAc comparison
I own the Proac Studio 140MK II as well,wonderfull speakers in every aspect, they are so good that if I want a real upgrade I need to jump to the Response D48R which cost more than triple compare the 140MKII so I can't afford it unfortunately. In ... 
Bi-wires links for speakers ?
Unfortunately it's  the same with power chord cables,  you are buying expensive gear and manufacturers is using the very basic cheap stock power chord's really a shame.