
Responses from itzhak1969

Do I need a power conditioner?
if you have noise on the lines sufficient to distort the music you are playing you need power conditioner, if not it's a waste of money. 
Most coherent low volume speaker with very fast bass under 10k used?
"The amp used to drive the speakers is more important to how fast/well controlled the woofers etc.. "dave_bCouldn’t agree more amplification and cables determined the quality of the drivers control ,it’s better to invest your fonds on good amplifi... 
DAC for CD transport
Yes as a standalone transport the Cambridge Audio CXC is excellent made a huge improvement at my system, The Cyrus CDt is even better. 
Rotal 1072, Oppo 95, or Oppo 105?
You already have a good DAC so a dedicated pure CD transport is the best option for you, I bought Cambridge Audio CXC three months ago just superb value for money.Before I had the Rotel 1570 CDP it was a lousy transport the CXC is suppirier more d... 
Recommendations for used CD player
If the OP can't stretch his budget a single CDP can be reasonable compromise and will be much better than using a DVD as a transport.  
Recommendations for used CD player
The correct way to go is a pure CD transport and a dedicated DAC this will give you the best sound. 
Most coherent low volume speaker with very fast bass under 10k used?
+1 for  ATC SCM50.Also the Proac Response D48R can be an excellent option. 
Which is better Coax or Optical cables
Optical cables made of glass can be very good cables with high performance but coax cables will be always overall suppirier,they are more transparent, agile and natural.  
Recommendations for used CD player
DVD is a lousy transport with high jitter and harmonic distortion it's better to use dedicated CD transport without inner DAC such as the Cambridge Audio CXC or Cyrus CDt . 
MSDS Sheets For Shipping Speakers Internationally?
Magnets are classified in some circumstances as dangerous goods in transportation by air but magnets used in speakets are with very low environment influence so can not classified as hazardous goods .One solution is to make sea transportation whic... 
Bi-wires links for speakers ?
Bi-wires links for speakers ?
Yes it does get worse once switching back to the stock links, I suspect they’re crap.I was considering an upgrade to higher level Proac speakers but the improvement was such huge that I am more than happy to stay with my current 140 MKII speakers. 
Bi-wires links for speakers ?
My dealer was suprise too from this huge impact I really didn’t execpt it at all neither do him but that’s what happened.maybe the jumpers supplied with the speakers are very poor quality, or maybe because all my cables now are from the same brand... 
Bi-wires links for speakers ?
Yes it’s really amazing I never would believe if I didn’t try it myself.My 2 lessons here :1. Throw away immediately the biwiring standard terminals supply with the speakers and get descent Bi-wire cables links. 2. It is very important to have syn... 
Bi-wires links for speakers ?
Most of the high end amplifiers do not have bi-wiring option and that’s saying something about the questionable reliability of bi-wiring method, Personally I think it’s not more than a voodoo thing.The best is bi-amplifying with completely separat...