
Responses from inna

The downward spiral.....
Well, I enjoy ipod on the go too, but,come on, there is no substitute for good pair of speakers and the rest that's attached to them. 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Well, this thread can only be compared to ongoing MM/MC debate. And let's not bring the insects in; they have nothing to do with it and somehow manage to enjoy life while they have it. Who knows what they "think" of us? 
Audiolab, Rowland integrated - nothing in between?
Well, I doubt that many use this Audiolab with $500 power cord, $800 interconnects and $1600 speaker cables. If not, they have no idea of how much performance you can extract from it. But..I think I got out of it everything or almost everything it... 
The downward spiral.....
Maybe it is time for you guys to buy JVC boomboxes and be happy. It's all about music, remember? 
best sounding integrated for under 2500.00
No, Rowland would never work with this kind of music, forget it. They are very rare, and I want one!Rowland of course. There is nothing better for the price, hard rock or whatever. 
What is the best quality boom box w/cd player.
How does the tape deck in it sound if you tried it? 
Best Integrated amp for Wilson Audio Sasha
You should consider Rowland Continuum as well. 
Step up from music hall 2.1
Yes, $1k might get you much further though $1.5K would be better. Turntable and arm are the last place in the chain where you want to save. And forget about the look unless you have a special ability to guess right the performance based on look; i... 
The downward spiral.....
May whatever god I believe in help me not to follow this path. Thank you for this thread. 
Audiolab, Rowland integrated - nothing in between?
YBA Passion Integre could be an option. Anyone knows it well? How is the PRaT, dynamics and bass? I would not worry about the transparency, soundstage etc. - I am sure it's excellent at that. 
small companies making today's best products
Designing probably no but highest quality custom parts yes.And fine tuning. And fifty years warranty on parts with ten on labour.I read here about Albert's Studer deck. He had custom head block installed to be able to play and record all kinds of ... 
Is this Foolish?
Marakanetz, your math is quite unique. Lyra Titan is four or five thousand dollars new. But I would guess that Lyra recommendation is very good nonetheless, just not Titan.How much are you prepared to spend on table/arm? New or used? 
small companies making today's best products
Isochronism, no, the prostitute account is totally separate. Besides, they are not as expensive.But thank you for taking care of me and reminding of that. 
small companies making today's best products
I would certainly want to have a custom LAMM. What would I want to improve on stock? I would discuss it with Vladimir. Perhaps best to my taste tubes and even better some other parts, a bit more current and power, something else. More expensive? S... 
RCA cables silver,gold or copper whats better?
Silver plated uranium with copper connectors. Incredible sound.