
Responses from inna

Do you ever doubt you ears ?
Usually, the biggest chalenge for me is not when something is better than the other but simply different and both good. To complicate that, and speaking of cables, one might be slighly preferable with one recording and the other with another one. ... 
stacking components without leaving marks
Paper works. I assume that you are going to use stock rubber feet. I stock components too, but I use different feet under each component; the difference in sound when using good feet is quite big. 
SME 20/3 or Oracle Delphi VI or Garrard 301
You could also take a look at Brinkmann Balance that is for sale here. It sure should be impressive; Michael Fremer is unlikely to have said what he did about it unless it was something very special. Just add Schroeder arm and a cartridge and you ... 
Complete 2.0 System for Under $3k?
Not enough information to give any meaningful advice. Your room, your music preferances etc.?At first glance, I would say that $3k is either too much or too little for the first purely analog set-up.In any case, I would probably start with speakers. 
SME 20/3 or Oracle Delphi VI or Garrard 301
Well, the man enjoyed his Oracle for a very long time and now wants something both different and better. Quite understandable.Flying to the mainland and arranging multiple listening sessions would be a problem, I agree, especially in our time. I s... 
SME 20/3 or Oracle Delphi VI or Garrard 301
I don't quite get it. Can't you audition both before making the final decision? It's a lot of money and I assume you don't print the banknotes.I am also curious why you don't consider other table/arm/cartridge combinations. At this level I would d... 
Piece of Audio gear you regret selling
Ebm, you are a human being after all. Welcome.I too regret buing certain things. I should've waited and bought more serious analog front end in the first place instead of getting entry level to start with. Made no sense and I lost some money.The s... 
Get the Rega or Pro-Ject Xpression with Goldring 1012 or 1042 cartridge and read nothing more at this point. 
What is my next step to a better sound ?
"It's like putting a VW GTI engine in a Porsche 911 Turbo". Right. But if on the other hand you put Porsche Turbo engine in VW you will be dead in no time.On the subject. Yes, of course this digital front end begs to be upgraded. Possibly cables t... 
Who was the best jazz guitarist ever?
And also, from McLaughlin's album "The Promise" the piece called "Django" that he plays with Jeff Beck. It is blues, and a great one. Beck's guitar sings, and McLaughlin's provides space and depth. Unusual collaboration.John McLaughlin has the gif... 
Who was the best jazz guitarist ever?
Anything but like Charlie Parker; I hate this. You can't really play like Miles but can try like Coltrane. The closest to this I heard was McLaughlin's composition entitled Life Divine that he played with Santana. Splendid. 
Piece of Audio gear you regret selling
Anyway. I upgrade very rarely, so no I have never sold any piece of equipment and regret it; I gave some of it away because it was old and had no real value. However, I have sold some LPs and CDs and regretted it later. They were back-up copies bu... 
Piece of Audio gear you regret selling
Some of them do have this attitude; I know. However, some from the Upper East Side are no better, just different. 
Piece of Audio gear you regret selling
Ebm, we should all feel like imbiciles in your company.You sound like a typical Brooklynite. 
Is Stealth Sakra IC is really better than Indra?
Well, Ralph may voice his amps using Mogami cables, and also he may of course want you to spend more money on his amps than on cables with possibly better outcome for you. I could probably call it a fair and subtle advertising and not a bad way of...