
Responses from inna

Purist Audio power cords and cables
Right, we are in agreement on this one. 
Tube Watts vs. Solid State Watts - Any credence?
Some actually think that only tubes can make the bass sound right. Or at the vey least something like Lamm hybrids.This is probably a slight exaggeration and a matter of taste and speaker choice, but I can see a strong point. 
Purist Audio power cords and cables
That's why I said 'usually'. 
Otari or Technics Reel-to-Reel ?
Of course, they are worth the effort. Speaking of nights, I can only record between about 2am and 5am because this is the only time interval when the wall current is okay.Yes, sometimes while recording, you get a tick or something in the middle of... 
Purist Audio power cords and cables
I only heard older Cardas, that was enough for me to steer clear of it. However, next time I do a major upgrade - not very soon - which, I think, is going to be either a phono stage or cartridge, I might want to try some other brand. I have always... 
Nottingham motor controler
I see.I took a look at the Walker motor controller and read some reviews. I think, it could be significantly better. Some Nottingham owners use and really like it. Damn expensive, though not so for a Walker - look at his turntables.I should't have... 
Turntable set up- How easy is it
I decided to have a dealer, in this case also a distributor, to mount and align the cartridge in my Nottingham Spacearm. Those wires are very thin, the risk of breakin off the pins is high.I could've done the alignment myself, but I would want som... 
Tube Watts vs. Solid State Watts - Any credence?
I don't remember where but once I read that someone was comparing the sound of 100 wt Gryphon with 600 wt Krell, both transistor amps. Same speakers,forgot what that was. Besides sounding a lot better in every respect, Gryphon also sounded more po... 
Otari or Technics Reel-to-Reel ?
' Make sure you're not thinking about anything else when you record.'This is an excellent advice, I fully agree. I do exactly that when recording. And to continue along the line - do not listen to the music while recording, just monitor, listen to... 
Otari or Technics Reel-to-Reel ?
Dopogue, that's most likely the Otari that I will get.Expensive, well, it depends on how much you need. But nothing good in this hobby is exactly inexpensive.Servicing and shipping RTR deck will be quite expensive too.Five years ago I sent my Naka... 
Otari or Technics Reel-to-Reel ?
I don't know about RTR decks, but I demagnetize my Nakamichi head once a year maybe using Nak device. Frankly, I hear no or almost no difference, not sure.In any case, I would experiment with that too. Things like that will not discourage me. I wi... 
Purist Audio power cords and cables
Albert, thank you for taking the time and informative writing.Figuring out what you like is easier than why you like what you do.When I look at the pictures of those $100k turntables and then at the pictures of Studer decks that sound better than ... 
Purist Audio power cords and cables
Stringreen, what you are saying is very wrong. Everything alters the signal, it is the question of how much and in what way.I really dislike Cardas, to my ears they totally miss it. Didn't try Wireworld and High Fidelity.But DiMarzio M-path, $150 ... 
Purist Audio power cords and cables
Albert, I've been reading your posts for years and have no reason not to believe your hearing and objectivity.So, those cords are not just cords, they are also sort of power conditioners.Hope to try them one day. Currently using Custom Power Cord ... 
How important is the amp?
I would think that good conventional speakers should sound good with both transistor and tube and hybrid amp, just different. Electrostatic, horns etc may be another matter.