
Responses from inna

Premium distilled water for ultrasonic record cleaner
Is LAST or Walker water any worse? I use Audio Intelligent, by the way, though not with ultrasonic machine. I have a mistrust for anything Mo-Fi so I don't even consider their water.  
No bass with new turntable?
Cartridge burning-in and cabling are controversial only to those who can't hear things. You've got substandard cable. I would not jump to 2g tracking force if 1.75g is recommended, I would try 1.8g and 1.7g and I would experiment with anti-skate t... 
Is it possible to be an audiophile and be happy with what you have
No. No way. Besides, happiness is an abstraction that I hope I will never reach. Process is really more important. Listening to music is a process too, and good equipment helps big time. But I try not to give in to obsessive upgrading all the time... 
No bass with new turntable?
Also, turntable reacts more than cd player to voltage fluctuations, though this affects all frequencies. However, at least in my experience, bass and dynamics are affected more than anything else.Forgot to ask OP this. How many hours are there on ... 
VPI Record Cleaning - Does Bidirectional cleaning really make a difference?
Taters,You are probably right. 
VPI Record Cleaning - Does Bidirectional cleaning really make a difference?
Wrong. This is no substitute for bidirectional motor. And unless the record is very dirty you don't want to scrub it, if you do you push the dirt deeper into the grooves. You move the brush rather gently while applying fluid, agitate a little. And... 
No bass with new turntable?
Yeah listening fatigue is high with digital, any digital. The lowest bass you can't really hear only feel, I personally don't enjoy it. It's kind of vibrator you know. 
VPI Record Cleaning - Does Bidirectional cleaning really make a difference?
Okki Nokki is $500 from the distributor and it does both direction. Has pretty good vacuum too. I use it with Audio Intelligent three step cleaning system with excellent results. I read here that bidirectional does make a difference.I did not comp... 
No bass with new turntable?
Vinyl gives a much better dynamics, pace and bass than cds. Something is definitely wrong either with turntable set-up or phono stage. Can you try another phono and re-check the cartridge alignment? Also, this entry level cartridge may be bass def... 
Friday Night In San Francisco - best digital version
John McLaughlin's soul and music are not easy to approach. He is not BBKing, John Williams, Segovia or Clapton. He is also technically at a totally different level than others, though at times Paco de Lucia was absolutely great too. Passion Grace&... 
KUDOS to Music Direct
Nothing special, normal business. 
Would you be more likely to buy new gear out of state if there was no sales tax
I try to buy from overseas or Canada as much as I can by mail. Not the audio equipment though, this I buy used here. But if I had to buy an expensive new piece from a dealer I could just ask him to take the price a little lower to cover the tax or... 
What's up with the ridiculous offers?!?
Well, it's bazaar economy not patrician house of culture, so any offer and counter-offer is legitimate. I don't like it and almost never bargain, however I rarely buy and never sell here - I put things on ebay auction and let the auction run. 
How can it be that some old recordings sound sublime?
Yes real sound engineers but also I suppose real producers who let those engineers work. And good engineer knows how to choose equipment and use it.  
Friday Night In San Francisco - best digital version
Great album, not bad recording but should've been better. I have it on Japanese vinyl and still wish it sounded like A Handful Of Beauty by John McLaughlin with Shakti.If you really like it you will have to try every Japanese version available.In ...