
Responses from inna

When will there be decent classical music recordings?
Yeah, me too.  
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
If there is Ypsilon/Lansche room there - stay away from it as far as possible because after you hear that sound you won't want anything less, anything else. Absolare/Rockport is great too but very different - avoid. Lamm and Gryphon amps - big no-... 
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
It might be that the OP steered himself clear of us. He is not talking. 
Beyond Ayre Pass and Rowland
So I did some youtube 'auditioning' of the amps mentioned here, not all though. The only SS amps that I liked were Gryphon - deep dark powerful sound reaching subterranian regions. Hybrids - Ypsilon and Absolare followed by Lamm. Tube - Lamm SET.N... 
Advice on speaker pairing with my Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum using KT120 output tubes.
Based on these videos Ryans don't sound good to me, though they do have a certain musicality to them. No resolution dynamics or real bass. Just your average speakers, not bad. 
Anyone has a sound like that ? Impressive.
Another brand that caught my attention was Gryphon. It has a dark deep powerful sound, can be great for certain types of music - blues, neo-classical, goth, jazz fusion. The designer is an interesting person.Lamm was fine but I didn't care for Kha... 
Anyone has a sound like that ? Impressive.
I use Grado headphones.Lansche/Ypsilon system would be my first choice, overall it sounds better than anything else I could find. Rockport/Absolare might be better for electric music, rock, big orchestra, it has more power and scale.Ypsilon electr... 
When will there be decent classical music recordings?
Tanya, I am sorry to say that what you suggest is...not how it should be. We listen with two ears, I certainly do. Two mikes. Not three or five or fifty - two. 
Anyone has a sound like that ? Impressive.
How about this ? don't we stop listening to garbage. Either of those would do for me. 
Suggestions for Integrated amp.
There are Audience interconnects here for sale for $300-$350. You could get them and see how it will change the sound.Does the Classe have a phono stage? I understand that you hear brightness with both turntable and cd player. 
Suggestions for Integrated amp.
That's good sound. Start at about 9:00 
Suggestions for Integrated amp.
Pivetta, the fact that you could consider replacing the speakers too both simplifies and complicates the matter. Choice of cables will depend on what eventually you will end up with. 
Suggestions for Integrated amp.
Terrible sound, whatever contributes to it. I suspect the speakers first of all. 
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
You certainly don't have to match front end the same way you do speakers and amp, but the question remains whether you match it at all or think of it as an independend unit. By the extension of it, do you match phono stage and preamp or preamp/amp... 
Suggestions for Integrated amp.
I think you need to get that tweeter under control, it clearly bothers you. And those speakers do enjoy power. What kind of money do you have in mind? Also, new or used or it depends ? And I would replace all cables with one brand, neither Audioqu...