
Responses from immatthewj

Is the Shuguang 5AR4 any good?
@jasonbourne52  are you referring to the Chinese tubes? Use at your own risk!  
CD Tweaks: An Update
Party on, Garth!  
Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum?
Was it hate mail or simply someone presenting a contrary opinion? Please share if you dont mind. @audition__audio   no, I don't mind. I tried to share the title of the email last night, but evidently it was a word that the mods deemed to be ob... 
Just want to wish you all a safe and Happy Easter/Passover
Thanks for the love letter you sent me on Easter night, Jerry G.  
Is the Shuguang 5AR4 any good?
@jackd  only one spot and it is true that I get carried away and overdue things.  I am leaving those Chinese tubes alone and I will see how it goes with the Mullards I have already bid on.  
Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum?
It seems most people don't understand Free Speech in the constitutional sense. It doesn't apply on this forum, this is a private group, you have to become a member in order to participate. LOL!  Apparently free speech exists on this site via pr... 
Is the Shuguang 5AR4 any good?
@dekay   gotcha.  I am leaving those Chinese tubes alone.  Thanks.  
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps?
@pdreher  out of curiosity, what was the failure/issue that required you sending it out?  
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps?
Who ever claims Amp is an Amp lacks experience. I think he might lack more than that.  
Is the Shuguang 5AR4 any good?
Okay, @jackd that’s probably the bottom line then--no point in getting them if they aren’t better than the stock Sovtec. I'll try to win one of those other auctions I bid on.  
Is the Shuguang 5AR4 any good?
@dekay   the one that is in the mail & on its way is a UK Amperex (which I was told here was probably made by Mullard) and one of the ones I have already received was sold as a Hitachi and I see on the base that it is labeled Matsushita.  The ... 
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps?
I always thought that the VAC Renaissance 70/70 was just a bad ass looking amp! @gregp858   +1!   For real!  I used to experience sexual feelings when I saw it advertised in Stereophile!  
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps?
Amp is an Amp you can make what ever nonsense you want out of it DB. I think the SET folks would probably debate that.  Maybe there are some points of clarification that I am missing.  
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps?
Amp is an Amp it's all in the source.  @jerryg123  if I interpret that statement correctly, you are saying that all amps are created equal?  
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps?
I remember back a long time ago when I had a prescription for Stereophile and I’d see VAC’s ad for those 70/70s and I would drool. . . . Everybody has their own situation, but if it was me, and I had that stuff, I’d stick with what I had (even wit...