Responses from immatthewj
Is the Shuguang 5AR4 any good? @jasonbourne52 are you referring to the Chinese tubes? Use at your own risk! | |
CD Tweaks: An Update Party on, Garth! | |
Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum? Was it hate mail or simply someone presenting a contrary opinion? Please share if you dont mind. @audition__audio no, I don't mind. I tried to share the title of the email last night, but evidently it was a word that the mods deemed to be ob... | |
Just want to wish you all a safe and Happy Easter/Passover Thanks for the love letter you sent me on Easter night, Jerry G. | |
Is the Shuguang 5AR4 any good? @jackd only one spot and it is true that I get carried away and overdue things. I am leaving those Chinese tubes alone and I will see how it goes with the Mullards I have already bid on. | |
Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum? It seems most people don't understand Free Speech in the constitutional sense. It doesn't apply on this forum, this is a private group, you have to become a member in order to participate. LOL! Apparently free speech exists on this site via pr... | |
Is the Shuguang 5AR4 any good? @dekay gotcha. I am leaving those Chinese tubes alone. Thanks. | |
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps? @pdreher out of curiosity, what was the failure/issue that required you sending it out? | |
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps? Who ever claims Amp is an Amp lacks experience. I think he might lack more than that. | |
Is the Shuguang 5AR4 any good? Okay, @jackd that’s probably the bottom line then--no point in getting them if they aren’t better than the stock Sovtec. I'll try to win one of those other auctions I bid on. | |
Is the Shuguang 5AR4 any good? @dekay the one that is in the mail & on its way is a UK Amperex (which I was told here was probably made by Mullard) and one of the ones I have already received was sold as a Hitachi and I see on the base that it is labeled Matsushita. The ... | |
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps? I always thought that the VAC Renaissance 70/70 was just a bad ass looking amp! @gregp858 +1! For real! I used to experience sexual feelings when I saw it advertised in Stereophile! | |
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps? Amp is an Amp you can make what ever nonsense you want out of it DB. I think the SET folks would probably debate that. Maybe there are some points of clarification that I am missing. | |
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps? Amp is an Amp it's all in the source. @jerryg123 if I interpret that statement correctly, you are saying that all amps are created equal? | |
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps? I remember back a long time ago when I had a prescription for Stereophile and I’d see VAC’s ad for those 70/70s and I would drool. . . . Everybody has their own situation, but if it was me, and I had that stuff, I’d stick with what I had (even wit... |