

Responses from ieales

Cryogenically treated cables
In the end, emotion is the only key to success in audio.Amen.Only a tiny fraction of systems emote. Sadly, far too many rumble, rattle, fart, bloat, tizz and screech preventing any connection with the music. 
Cable septic
And, IMO, Cable Burn In is an outgrowth of evaluating cables [or anything for that matter] not in the system and room in which it will be used.The poor schlub gets the item home, connects it to vastly different gear and rightly determines the soni... 
Cable septic
Decware Zen switch boxWith a switch box you have C vs D, not A vs B.And unless the box is scrupulously designed, A-A will also give C-D. 
Cable septic
That said, I am quite angry with audio cable companies for creating 'ladders' of tens of progressively more expensive cables that I believe are designed to squeeze money from perfectionist audiophiles who yearn for that elusive "step up".They are ... 
Speaker Cable Recommendations
Ignore all recommendations and audition in your system in your room.Doing otherwise is equivalent to grading silk blindfolded and wearing boxing gloves. 
Cable septic
A good rule of thumb is budget about as much for wire as everything else. Nonsense. HEA is overpriced and price is no guarantee of quality or compatibility. A good portion of the cable market is visually beautiful yet egregiously awful electricall... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
clearthink: I feel very sorry for you, you're hurt feelings, and whatever disorder you suffer from. You seem unable and/or unwilling to relate, communicate, and discuss with me without engaging in vile, ugly, demeaning personal attacks and my pati... 
Cryogenically treated cables
Anyone with an LCR bridge can measure cable parameters, enter them in a calculator along with the electronics I/O / speaker parameters and calculate the values.If manufacturers were more honest, they would include LCR values in their 'specs' inste... 
Should Subwoofer Be Plugged Into Same Circuit?
It should be a law of audiophiles that everything should be plugged into one outlet. That is the best way to eliminate ground loops. And sometimes the only way.If the system is wired so all the grounds home to a single point, multiple outlets are ... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Lack of dynamic range automatically makes the music $hitty.Nonsense. Sometimes dynamic range manipulation is the only way to capture it to the media. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
dynamic range databasemight as well have beats/minute, tracks, musicians, keys, note range, etc.Dynamic range does not help sh.tty music. 
Buy High Pass Filter or KAB RF1?
my $4500 Anthem A5 sucksin your opinion in your system. Could be the cat’s meow in another's 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
For the math challenged:billions = billions and billions = billions and billions and billions    just as6 = 3 + 3 = 2 + 2 + 2cleeds: NO AMOUNT OF MONEY will avoid the LP’s host of artifacts. Disk playback can be very good, but it will never fool a... 
What are the best Room Accustic Treaments members have found?
Synergistic Research HFT may transform your room, but they probably don't do much to improve the acoustics.Just as some cables are gross tone controls, so are SR products effects! 
What are the best Room Accustic Treaments members have found?
Books, shelves, art & carpets.But then, I spent a few decades in sound studios, so I'm probably odd man out here.