

Responses from ieales

Best upgrade: amp or pre-amp?
Can't comment. Manufacturers often have a 'house flavor'. 🤷‍♂️  
Best upgrade: amp or pre-amp?
Sopra series are  such good speakers, in my opinion. If you played something you recorded, you might change your mind by the 2nd bar.  
American Made Audio Products
only magico and magneplaner make their own drivers False. Ohm, Eminent Tech... I am sure there are others.  
Best upgrade: amp or pre-amp?
Are you suggesting the Sopra are the weakest link? Absolutely. Over exaggerated upper octave, wooly, indistinct bass, roller coaster step response, impedance and phase. When I last looked for speakers, my exact words to the salesman: "You’re... 
Best upgrade: amp or pre-amp?
Topic: "Best upgrade: amp or pre-amp?" Recommendation: "Speakers"   
Magnepan and Bob Carver Raven amps
Abraham Lincoln invented search engines in 1862 and famously opined that 50% of everything on the web is incorrect. Bob Carver - Wikipedia  
Best upgrade: amp or pre-amp?
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...
Distortion is measured statically. Music isn't.  
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...
"However there was a dramatic change around 1970 when Sound Technology appeared on the scene. ... The 1000A was quickly followed by the model 1700A which was a state of the art audio measuring system which could read distortion (THD) down to 0.0... 
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...
How were the systems measured? Spectrum? Program?  
Magnepan and Bob Carver Raven amps
I know many people on here have issues with the amp’s specs And so they should, because specs are so audible   You have the best (most accurate) speakers made, period. Or not... ALL speakers have flaws. We all have to choose our poison. Ty... 
Magnepan and Bob Carver Raven amps
I ran Tympani IV w 70w custom tube amp.   Queen and the London Phil lived in my house...  
Subwoofer between speakers?
I may be a little tooo passionate about sub bass Impossible! "An articulate, extended and veracious low end adds realism out of all proportion to the numbers." - moi And if only people would roll at least the ½ octave above the main’s corner ... 
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...
Carver is an innovator with decades long history of accomplishments. And, yes, a bit of a showman. I'll take than any day over bling purveyors @ Synergistic Research, AudioQuest, REL, et al.  
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...
And Bias drift... Bottleheads are sensitive to bias, some too much so and just wear out the trim pots. SS amps often come misbiased and likely never get rebiased.