

Responses from ibmjunkman

New here and saying HI!
1. What gauge is the wire from your panel to the outlets? 2. What type outlets? 3. What type plug on the power cord? 4. What gauge/type wire is the power cord? 5. What type of interconnects? 6. What brand of directional fuses? 7. What type o... 
What do you use to keep high gloss speakers clean?
Whatever cloth one uses be sure the edging is not sewn with plastic thread. Only cotton.  
What's the heaviest speaker you've ever owned? What's the tallest?
JBL L300 145 lb, 66 kg JBL L222 4 ft, 122 cm  
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
Miles Davis. He may be a ground breaker but the album I had just seemed like random notes.  
Onkyo has filed for bankruptcy
When my Dad found something he used and liked he bought a 2nd one. I am currently using one of his Onkyo TX-SR500 HT units. The volume knob does not work but the remote control volume button does. Maybe I should fire up the backup. 😊  
Did Audiogon get sold to the Chinese or Russian Govt?
An unmoderated forum will quickly devolve into a smorgasbord of profanity and personal attacks. Overall humans are not nice to each other.  
Does Anyone Else Member the Golden Age of Audio Insults and Product Degradation?
I feel triggered. I am going to sue.  
New Analog Technology???
One duo is releasing a new song on a 4 minute cylinder. https://theyetee.com/collections/nameless-dreamers And Vulcan is releasing something.    
How do you arrange the order of your records?
I keep them in order by how I know the album. Most are by artist but things like 1812 Overture are grouped together no matter who the artist is. And I have a deck of punched cards where each card has the album info punched in it. I wrote a COBOL ... 
Vinyl Repair?
I could loan you my SAE 5000 Impulse Noise Reduction System unit for one last listen before you trash the record with any repair attempt. 😊  
Sade This Far
I like Sade. Also like Jane Olivor.  
Replace Logitech Squeezebox Duet
You can mix and match receivers and remotes with no other software required. Just the server software. I sold my 3 receivers and 2 remotes on eBay. I bought a Brennan B2. Loaded all my music onto it. So I now have a copy of all of it. You load a... 
Thermal Distortion your loudspeaker most likely suffers from it. But do you care?
The only time I had a heat problem is when my Carver amp went bonkers and before I could turn it off it had melted the varnish on the voice coil of the 2235H in my JBL B380 sub-woofer. 😊  
Does Formula 1 racing and high end audio go together for anyone else?
Spent 11 years (90s) in Milan. Could not help but get into F1. Never made it to a race. I am in Las Vegas now. Maybe next year. 😊  
Let me explain something to you jive turkeys.
YT has videos of people listening to a song for the first time. I watched many people reviewing the following video. The ones I hate are the ones where the reviewer does not know the age of the song or the original authors. That info will not affe...