
Responses from iasi

Physical explanation of amp's break in?
pheeew...i thought i was the only one that didn't believe in break-in of amps, cables, and CD players...well, i guess i'm not alone anymore...thank you guys! 
Frank's Analog 2 from Signal Cable
i also tried Frank's Signal Analog 2 cable and the biwire speaker cable in my system...they replaced Tara Labs Ref. interconnects and Innersound speaker wire...well, the Signal Cable sounded much better than Tara/Innersound combo...but then i disc... 
Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique; recommendations....
Rcprince, i'd love a Celibidache Fantastique, but i'm not aware that he ever recorded it...next time i'll see you i'll let you try the van Beinum... 
Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique; recommendations....
if you don't mind a mono recording then try Van Beinum with Ceoncertgebouw from 1946...the best i've ever heard! 
Fitzwilliam Quartet and Borodin Quartet have recorded the best quartets of Shosti...for his Symphonies try 7 with Gergiev, 5&9 with Bernstein, 10 with Mravinsky...for his Violin Concerto 1 and Cello 1 try Mitropoulos with Oistrakh and Rostropo... 
integrated tube reccommendations
i bought an Unison Research SR1 hybrid integrated amp about 2 months ago..i can not be happier with the performance...i suggest you add it to your list...it is much better than the Unico...by comparison, Unico seems lifeless and boring...just my o... 
Power cord? Why?
Audioengr, i believe in speaker cables and in interconnects as i've herd differences between diff. cable manufacturers...and i believe in power cables for SOME applications, but not in all of them...happy listening! 
Power cord? Why?
Audioengr...talk with Roger Sanders at Innersound and tell him that power cord made a difference with his amp..I wish I could hear his reaction when he hears/reads that...now, how do I suppose to know which power cord is the "right" power cord?...... 
Difference between 12AU7 and 12AU7A
well, i'm new to tubes, but i have a question...what is the difference between 12AU7 and 12AX7?...can i replace the U with the X?...thanx 
Power cord? Why?
I have no idea if it had an AC input filter...the amp that I tried the experiment on was Innersound ESL amp into a pair of Innersound Isis speakers...I wanted to see for how long will the speakers play if I remove the power cord from the back of t... 
Power cord? Why?
well, in my system power cords certainle made a difference on my CD player, but none whatsoever on the power amp...i went by trusting my ears...the CD player made in France had some problems with the stock power cord (including a dim display)...af... 
Best Integrated amp for under 4k
the gryphon was paired with Pieag 10 speakers and the Gryphon CD player...very analog sounding with huuuuge soundstage and a very dark background...smooth midrange with tremendous bass response...i wish i had the money to buy one...i saw one used ... 
Best Integrated amp for under 4k
try to hunt down a Gryphon int. amp...absolutely the best in that price range! 
Best monitor speakers:
i have to throw in my 2 cents...about two months ago i bought a pair of used Usher X-719 speakers for $900...the finish is outstanding...they look like Sonus Faber but about three times the weight...gorgeous matching stands too...the speakwe with ... 
Martin Logan - wow
For electrostats, Innersound is the way to go...either the Isis or the Eros will sound better than the ML in their price range...I doubt the Classe will match them well, unless you don't listen to lots of big orchestral pieces...otherwise, try to ...