
Responses from iasi

Blue Ray Quality with a 1080i / 720p HDTV?
You won't be sorry. I have an older Pioneer elite 50" plasma TV that is 1080i. I went to a lot of struggle before decicing to buy the Pioneer 05 Blu-ray. I couldn't be happier! The regular DVD look about 25% better than on a regular DVD player, an... 
brass outlet covers...anyone try them? Sound good
awwwwwwwww...c'mon....now covers for the outlets have an impact on music???????.....boy, this garden is wider and deeper than i thought...keep going guys...i'm having too much fun with all these posts of pebbles, phone calls, outlet covers, etc...... 
Anybody heard the new Gingko Tubulous speakers?
yeap...i heard them...and indeed, for the price these speakers are amazing...not only they sound like full range, they're pretty cool looking and also customer firendly (meaning that you can rotate the top part, angle them in any way possible to m... 
Your favourite recordings that everyone else hates
yeap...Gravity Kills and Rammstein...I love both bands and i got all of their recordings...Rammstein has a killer DVD out...a must have...be careful with the volume! 
Telarc cd's and Mozart's Requiem
Schreier is a good recommendation, but an absolute surprise for me was the performance by William Christie and Les Arts Florissants on Elektra CD...oustanding recording and singing... 
tried their interconnects...didn't impressed me...i switched to Tara Labs Reference and they sounded much better...then went to Signal Cable...still better than the Mapleshade...just didn't get the bass right in my system with the Mapleshade hair-... 
Best amp for meadowlark shearwaters 1-2K
meadowlark speakers sound best with tube gear...i'd stay away from Krell...why not give a try to Unison Research SR1 hybrid integrated amp?... 
Your Holiday/Christmas Favorite Recordings
try and find Keur Moussa: Sacred Chants & African Rhythms from Senegal...outstanding recording with interesting music... a must have! 
wnat to downgrade my cables
why not trying to find some used Luminous Synchestra Signature interconnects and speaker cable? I think for the money (used) are a great bargain. 
Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....
since when do audiophile care what Stereophile has to say about audio equipment?...lol...at least for the past 5 years...trust your own years...i've heard systems with equipment that is never mentioned in Stereophile that sounded amazing...and i'v... 
Favorite Movie Soundtrack
Run Lola, Run...Requiem for a Dream....Black Hawk Down... 
Anyone have any experience w/ Usher AC-10's?...
Dawgbyte, that was me with the Usher X-719 model that I had them redone...the original speakers were a little bit too dry and in-your-face presentation...after a lot of work done on the crossovers, the X-719 sound absolutley fantastic!...wide and ... 
1000 budget for speakers and integrated - HELP
a pair of used kestrels with an used Jolida 202...that should do it... 
Which basic amps can drive 1 ohm loads ?
certainly Innersound ESL amps...Roger designed them especially for electrostatic speakers.... 
looking for best isolation platform for CD player
you need to get in touch with a fellow audiogoner that makes the best isolation platform for CD players, transports, amps, etc...i didn't believe in this kind of tweaks (tried cones, rollerblocks, innertube), but after i tried his Ginkgo Cloud Nin...