Responses from hilde45
Advice on trustworthy audio resellers who check condition, offer trial period? Great! I’m glad to have multiple sites in mind. | |
Advice on trustworthy audio resellers who check condition, offer trial period? thanks for the suggestions supplementing TMR. | |
Streamer opinion.. Pease comment on validity. Has everyone who compared the different level streamers done so in a way that was randomized and blind? It’s hard not to hear an expensive unit as “better” if one knows that’s the one playing. | |
Cambridge CXC: Help finding a small, programmable remote? Would there be reason to think earlier remotes from Cambridge would not work? Eg https://www.ebay.com/itm/CAMBRIDGE-AUDIO-CD-32-34-Original-Remote-Control-GENUINE-FREE-UK-DELIVERY-/... | |
Cambridge CXC: Help finding a small, programmable remote? Thanks, @sfar that's helpful and might be the best solution. Open to more suggestions! | |
Higher End DACs From what I’ve come to understand, if I was spending a *lot* on a DAC, I’d want it to be FPGA; i.e., re-programmable to keep up with changes. Cf. https://www.psaudio.com/pauls-posts/paradigm-shifts/ | |
Cambridge CXC: Help finding a small, programmable remote? Right. The Roku was an example of the form factor I'm interested in. That's why I said "something the size of" a Roku remote. | |
best low priced bookshelf speakers I've got some Pinnacle PN5+ speakers from the 1980s. I'm getting new speakers, soon, to replace these little guys, but they really sound great. I paired them with a sub and...even better. They're quite compact, too. FWIW: http://www.hifi-classic.n... | |
Upgrading System...Help/opinions on Parasound and others? Tube question -- For anyone above who chose Prima Luna, what DAC did you pair with it? Did the Vincent's inclusion of a DAC in their unit sway you toward it? Against it? Prima Luna makes a point of keeping the DAC out of their units, but Vincent d... | |
Truly High Efficiency, High Quality, Nearfield Usable, Affordable Speakers, Do They Exist? Audient? | |
Considering getting a CD player (again). Used? New? Criteria? Thanks, I’ll check on that! | |
Auditioning amplifier gear: simultaneous auditions, online retailers you trust? Good advice, Mike. Thank you! | |
Considering getting a CD player (again). Used? New? Criteria? Thanks, jafant, and others for your reports and suggestions. One of the difficulties in contributing back to this forum is that my system is still so primitive (relative to audiophile stuff) that I'm building things up to a point where I might be ... | |
Auditioning amplifier gear: simultaneous auditions, online retailers you trust? Thanks -- noted those cable folks along with what millercarbon suggested. Once I make the bigger decisions regarding amplification, I’ll seek out those cables. In general, I’ve found learned some things from Youtubes Hans Beekhuyzen Channel: (a) W... | |
Smooth sounding integrated PS Sprout 100, perhaps |