

Responses from hilde45

Low-sensitivity speakers — What's special about them?
@aewarren Can't argue with your logic. For me, the key factor is the most revealing order-of-discovery, if you will. I get a better sense of speakers by swapping them in and out and keeping the amp constant.I am not sure if the experienced change ... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@richdirector — thanks for those suggestions. I don't plan on playing vinyl, but I'll take a look.@4425 thanks — I will avoid boat anchors. By "unknown brand" I assume you mean "not well known" or "not artisanal" (to borrow a foodie term). 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@richopp Audio Research looks amazing. I'm not sure how I fit that into the budget I outlined. Good to dream, I suppose.@milpai Thanks for the note about the Rhumba 1.3. It’s $4k, as a preamp. I was looking to keep preamp & amp to $3k. I imagi... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@lalitk Good point. I live in Denver, so it's not a stretch to wait for RMAF. Of course, "the waiting is the hardest part." (RIP Tom Petty).@moofoo I just took a second look at her website; it seems like the lowest price preamp is $2495 — without ... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@moofoo Thanks for your review -- and others about DeHavilland. Brand new, they seem to be out of my budget by a little. I want to mention that this sentence resonated: "If you have a problem, questions, etc. with your gear, there is nothing like ... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@markusthenaimnut or others — I've heard Kevin Deal say "point to point wiring" so often, I'm finding myself looking for it myself. But why is it important? Perhaps a more general way of asking this question is — What are the 3 or so really import... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
I had a busy day yesterday and am catching up, following out leads in posts and thinking about it all. While I cannot listen to many of the brands/makers being suggested, it's certainly interesting to survey the language makers use — sometimes it'... 
Low-sensitivity speakers — What's special about them?
@andrew -- I looked long and hard at Ascend Acoustics. They have great deals and what seems like amazing speakers.@melvinjames The goal for me would be to avoid exactly what you describe by buying enough power. My understanding was that if there’s... 
Preamp w/DAC (or Integrated w/DAC) vs. Outboard/External DAC? (Again! Forgive me!)
Thanks @rego. Didn’t know they had ps audio. They told me they had Atoll  
Low-sensitivity speakers — What's special about them?
The advice to get speakers that I enjoy and then find the amps to match is how I was initially going forward.  It was the warning that I might be boxing myself in that caused me to reconsider the speakers that I had heard and enjoyed. But there ar... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
Lots to research! Thanks so much. I'll update when I can. No one's saying anything negative about PL. I assume you don't think they're overpriced. I'd like to go with a little guy... possibly... so many options! 
Low-sensitivity speakers — What's special about them?
I've not bought any power yet. Thanks for the replies. I understand the technical trade offs better, now. If one had the bass covered by a subwoofer, it seems there’s no positive, specifiable, aesthetic reason to prefer low sensitivity speakers. I... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
Thanks! I’ll look at those. I’ve read mixed things about Vincent since production went to China but maybe those anecdotes are dismissible. The 237mkII is on my short list.@yogiboy You using them for Pre or integrated or what? 
Preamp w/DAC (or Integrated w/DAC) vs. Outboard/External DAC? (Again! Forgive me!)
@tweak Thanks for the head's up about Ps Audio pre's. I'll just need to try them out with whatever speakers I eventually choose.I'm planning on auditioning the Parasound dac/pre very soon here in Denver. Not sure where the Elac is to try around h... 
Preamp w/DAC (or Integrated w/DAC) vs. Outboard/External DAC? (Again! Forgive me!)
@rego thank you so much for your answer. I do want to play high-resolution files and so what you say is very useful. By the way, regarding PS audio I had the following exchange with them on about the topic we've been discussing (should one buy a p...