

Responses from hifiman5

2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy
PS  I am listening to "The Magnificent Steinway" by Hyperion Knight on an FIM CD.  I've never heard a piano sound more like the real thing and that is saying something as I have great vinyl of Nojima's recordings with Reference Recordings and Wils... 
2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy
It's good to hear acknowledgement of conductor quality's contribution to superior signal transference and hence to the sound quality of an audio system.  The other two big factors would be dielectric quality and implementation along with connector... 
2 Channel Subwoofer connection
Interesting hook-up method!  I guess what you're doing is trading off the benefit to your system amplifier not having to reproduce deep bass to the main speakers in favor of eliminating any signal degradation to the main speakers by avoiding a cro... 
Conrad Johnson--does anyone use this brand anymore?
Loved the MF2300 SS amp except for lack of bass impact and tautness.  the 2500 improved the bass considerably.Wish I had a cj dealer nearby to hear their current offerings. 
Journey ending speakers
Well folks, the one thing we can be sure of is that we all perceive sound differently and thus the wide range of tastes expressed in this thread.  Hey, this is why there are so many manufacturers in audio. Although my current speakers (Vandersteen... 
Directionality of wire
@nonoise  Cincinnatus was a direct role model for George Washington.  Indeed, a statue was made of Washington as a Cincinnatus figure!  Plow and all.  Washington was the quintessential public servant ala Cincinnatus.Your introduction of history in... 
Directionality of wire
@nonoise   I'm sorry.  I was not clear enough.  I was not referring to you as the dictator, rather a frequent "authority", who pontificates authoritarian views here with disturbing frequency.All the best! 
Rogue Cronus Magnum II and Vandersteen 3A Signature combination
+1 nycjlee 
Directionality of wire
@nonoise   To take your triumvirate posting one step further, the first triumvirate dissolved after Crassus died fighting in Syria.  Pompey and Caesar fought it out resulting in Pompey's demise.  That, for some, is the beginning of the Roman Empir... 
Conrad Johnson--does anyone use this brand anymore?
@jafant   "No doubt that Pass Labs is the best solid-state gear at this juncture"The Best?  I don't doubt that Pass Labs is excellent SS gear...but 
Conrad Johnson--does anyone use this brand anymore?
As zavato mentions, cj does have that "Golden Sound" to match up with their golden faceplates.  My guess would be that a cj tube pre matched with a cj tubed amp may in some systems be a bit too much of that golden glow. 
Speaker wire size VS speaker size. Should bigger speakers use bigger wires?
randy-11 has it right.  I would only add that paying attention to the conductor and dielectric quality as well as connectors on the cables can/do make a discernible difference.One surprise for me was when I got my Vandersteen Treo CT speakers with... 
What are you listening to right now?
Carl's War - CD of music composed by Carl Davis 
Tube Preamp Recommendations?
Robert1234  Here is a link to a conrad johnson PV-10AL line stage that should deliver that classic warmth and smoothness that typifies classic cj sound.  Good Luckhttp://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649363139-conrad-johnson-pv10al-tube-stereo-line-... 
Directionality of wire
Now that's deep!