

Responses from hifiman5

Speaker vibration control idea.. What are your thought?
 I have a bunch of BDR stuff in my closet where it belongs. BDR =glare and hardness Not very PS Every one in a while, after upgrading gear, I try BDR again.  The vacation from the closet is short-lived. 
What Are Your Experiences with Decoupling Products and Your Recommendations?
OPIf by "decoupling products" you include speakers then yes, hell yes!The cool part about decoupling your speakers is that not only do you relieve the rest of the house from having to experience the deep bass but it also helps to keep speaker vibr... 
Furutech vs Audioquest Power Cables
Paul McGowan, CEO of PS Audio was so "gobsmacked" by the Audioquest Dragons when all components in system 1 were plugged in using them that he purchased the lot even though PS makes their own Power cables!!  If you go to PS website, you can watch ... 
Who buy PS AUDIO ?
BTW... Paul McGowan's autobiography "99% True" is a fun, fast read and will give you insight into his humanity.  Paul screwed up a lot growing up.  Somehow he always manged to escape very difficult circumstances so he and Terri could be in the suc... 
Who buy PS AUDIO ?
@jbrrp1  A big +1 
Who buy PS AUDIO ?
@tomcy6   Light is not an issue with me because I have a dedicated basement listening room.  It's always dark down there!  State of mind always plays a role.  If I'm not in the mood to listen, then I don't. 
Who buy PS AUDIO ?
@tomcy6   Yep.  That is, for me, the true value of the PS A regenerators...that I get stellar sound at all times of the day.  That's why they're worth the money.  Life is too short to be limited to a couple good hours of listening time late in the... 
Is there such a thing as too much power?
Answering your title question...NO!  You can never, ever,ever have too much power!!  You just have to be careful to never overcrank the volume control.  Always keep your system well fed! (quality and quantity) 
Who buy PS AUDIO ?
With the number of folks who frequent this site it is not surprising to find that some have had less than positive experiences with PS Audio products.  What attracted me to PS A  was their idea of and dedication to the regeneration of electricity ... 
Two medium size woofers Vs One big size woofer
I have two Vandersteen 2wq subwoofers. Each has three 8 inch drivers driven by a 300 watt internal amp. They have a "Q" control on the cabinet back to increase or decrease the tautness of the sub response. The three 8" drivers with the "Q" set low... 
Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?
And from whom do the governors get their data to support the shuttering of the state's citizens?  Yep, the EXPERTS.  So when it comes down to it we are being subjected to the "Tyranny of the Experts".  And yes, every state's got 'em.  Congratulati... 
Tweaks - An Honest Discussion
For me the most rewarding process is that of system "tuning".  The tuning process often involves applying tweaks strategically to tune your system to your perception of excellence.  This is the step where you really have to think creatively and fi... 
Tweaks - An Honest Discussion
Of course all systems are different from one another but...the BDR boat sailed a  l o n g  time ago.  Easily my biggest regret tweaking was all the $ I spent on an assortment of BDR #3 and #4 cones and pucks. I didn't want to give up on them but m... 
Sales or clearances happening now
The Cable Company has Wireworld Series 7 discontinued cables at 50% off right now.  Some USB's, AES/EBU, SPDIF and Eclipse series interconnects and speaker cables!   
Your "Best of..." audio manufacturer in each state
In Pennsylvania it would probably have to be Rogue Audio.