

Responses from hifiman5

noisy tube preamp
The high frequency whine that you mentioned rings true to me.  I had the same experience and found the problem to be with the tubes, not the preamp.  Not sure what tubes you are using but I have had great luck with Cryoset.  They cryogenically tre... 
re capping
@kosst_amojan Sorry you didn’t get the jest! A social comment by me on the societal status of "facts" and "truth". They are, as considered by the more progressive citizens, as fluid concepts. The many shades of gray!😮 
re capping
@kosst_amojan You seem very sure of your facts. YOUR facts, YOUR truth. What about others’ facts and truths?? 🤔 
Publication bias and confounders in product reviews - TAS, Stereophile, Audiogon, etcetera
In general, the audio press is placing more emphasis on streamed audio, which they see as the future, and less attention is being paid to disc spinners of all types.  Those of us with considerable digital disc libraries will likely find it increas... 
If it helps, I bought a DNA-1 Deluxe amplifier and there was no deluxe designation in the serial number. 
Diana Krall
We have to be careful not to conflate "music" with "recording quality".  I'm sure we all have various examples of fine music in less than satisfying sound...albums we would never be without.🧐 
Modwright PS 9.0 and 9.9 Power Supply Rectifiier Tubes
I replaced the stock Sovtek 5AR4 with a new production cryogenically treated Gold Lion rectifier.  Also placed a Herbie Audio Lab rectifier damper on it.  Sound is very clean with smooth treble, tight bass and open soundspace.  Not comparing my ex... 
Vandersteen 2CE Signature II: Is it worth the price of $2700? Why are so many for sale?
If you're looking to buy a used pair of Model 2's I would look for  late production 2Ce Sigs.  Richard is consistently upgrading his speaker designs so try to acquire a pair with the latest upgrades. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
As we all know, facts are theoretical constructs!😮 
Martin Logan speakers
I have listened to the M-L Montis in a VERY large room with cathedral ceiling.  Because of the room size we sat farther from the speakers than in most installations and experienced a much wider sweet spot. As has been said here so many times, so m... 
Martin Logan speakers
Sorry I can't comment on the Vistas.  But...I have a friend with M-L Montis with a 16 tube AR amp and I've never heard M-L ESLs sound as good. Great match! 
Most satisfying system change in 2017?
@stereo5   That accounts for the abrupt jump in McIntosh stock!😉 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Watch your "dogma".  High quality solid core silver conductors allow for more efficient signal flow than the best copper.  And no... well designed and implemented silver cables do not sound bright. Sheesh!  With careful listening however, those mi... 
Power regenerators X Power Conditioners
I have a rather long history with PS Audio regenerators. The first, a P600, provided clean power but also functioned as a space heater due to inefficiency. A few years hence, PS had an engineering breakthrough allowing them to produce a regenerato... 
What is the best thing to buy/or do to clean connections on IC's and SC " ??
I’ve been cleaning contact surfaces with Q-Tips and cotton pads moistened with denatured alcohol and then apply a thin coat of G100 Gold contact enhancer.