
Responses from hifidreams

Need help with sub selection
Bob, you are using the amp in the sub. Because of the very different impedance the main amp will not send any power to the sub, only a signal. 
The WORST Components for Rock and Pop Music
Opera speakers would be it for me. With classical and female vocals they are great. But put on some classic rock or heavy metal, and they sound awful. 
Integrated with features?
You might also try the Creek 5350SE. Great amp. No mono switch. 
Need help with sub selection
Hey Bob, How do you figure you are losing the ability to biamp with an REL sub? 
Anyone running Quad 22L speakers?
I have had the 22L and others in that line. Never found them to be bright. They seem more mellow on top to me. I think they are one of the best speakers in their price range. Maybe they need to be broken in more. 
tight sound and tight $ sub for Silverline monitor
A great small sub at a nice price is the REL Q-108. They are selling them at the Magnolia HiFi in the Best Buys for only $499. 
Using a 220v amplification equipment in the US
Which of the amps are you interested in. I have been thinking about trying one of the Dussun amps. Most likely the V8i. If I do, I will get it from aaa-audio.com. They are the only authorized imported in the US. And they do have them in 110v. From... 
Martin Logan Dynamo versus....
While I think the Dynamo is a nice sub, I prefer the REL Q-108 and the smaller MJ Acoustics. I am using a MJ Pro 50 right now. They seem to be easiler to intergrate with my bookselves. 
Review: Cairn 4808 Amplifier
I really like the Cairn amp and cdp. But if you listen to a lot of classic rock, you might not want the Sonus Fabers. I have listen to several different models, and like them with several different types of music, but not any kind of rock. 
Which System???
For just pure musical enjoyment, you can't beat Naim. I am using a nat 5i now, and getting a cd5i soon. 
Where to buy MDF board?
I bought some from home depo, and they cut it for me. No charge. 
Tubes or Solid State?????
I had a Pathos Classic II for awhile. It is the one component that I regret having sold. Have tried the Primaluna. It is nice, but not up to the Pathos. 
Best Small Sub
You might also want to try the REL Q-108. Works great with both music and movies. 
is a rsl a rogers speaker?
No it isn't. Rogers Sound Labs was a small chain of stores in so. cal a few years back. I remember them selling a lot of refurbished items. 
Machina Dynamic Brilliant Pebbles?
These rocks come out of the heads of the clever little clock buyers. So they must be good.