

Responses from hhiggins

Cizek Model II speakers ?
Think his name was Roy Cizek (?)Think he was from Bloomington, Indiana area. Real ancient stuff, very crude by todays standards. 
M A Cotter MK-2 transformer differences?
I may have the jumper diagram somewhere, don't think unit had a manual, you just bought the version applicable to your cartridge, plugged cartridge into transformer & transformer into phono in. The screws to take it apart are under the rubber ... 
M A Cotter MK-2 transformer differences?
Think they are just for different impedance cartridges. I have a "verion" P (predessor to him calling the company cotter) that was meant for 3 ohm cartridges. All the models are re-wireable to other settings (plate where hook-ups are comes off &am... 
Yahoo transaction? Western Union? Or just scam
Sounds Fishy 
Hi-Res Monitor as a TV screen?
May be an upconverting dvd player would do? Can't remember what the rez out of a DVD player is; 720x468 ish. Scaler in monitor is probably poor in upcoverting signal to use available pixels. When using computer the PC is doing the a/d conversion, ... 
Adcom GFA-565 Capacitor Replacement
power supply caps might need to be electrolytic(???)(@30,000uf might be hard to find in a film cap & a bit pricey) 
new equip storage
risk of theft??? hard freeze not good for capacitors, risk of oxidation/rust of voice coils, other metalic internal components(?) Condensation inside equipment boxes/bags etc. with weather/temp changes etc. 
Ungrounding an Amp--Any Danger?
Ground protects you from being shocked in the event of an internal failure. Cheater plugs are routinely used to locate/cure ground loop issues. Violates electrical safety codes, hence the warning. 
How to handle infant mortality of Svet 6550C?
Not all that unusual. Shouldn't be to hard for vendor to replace the single tube,matching characteristics of others. Resistor is most probably only damage, almost a fuse in arc amps. Have had similar occurrances with arc amps & non-arc tubes..... 
Bad Disc Arcam DV29
Doesn't sound good. If not under warranty, you could get a look under the hood, and visually inspect the lense (suspension of lens is VERY delicate, use extreme caution cleaning with a Q-tip & alcohol)Don't have experience with the DV-29, but ... 
Digital Cable Tuner - Can I buy and use my own??
I use an OTA HDTV tuner which includes a digital cable/ HDTV section (I'm a reg. cable subscriber, but not digital cable)& I get some, but not all, of the "non-scrambled" HDTV cable content. (My cable company recently started scrambling thier ... 
DLP lamps
Could be a defective lamp or defective powersupply in "projector". Lucky to have it go while under warranty. I've "lost" 2 or 3 lamps well before their time, not under warranty. (most are 90 day warranty) Lamp has higher voltage/current "starting"... 
Best moderately priced tube amp stands?
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
He has a "measuring stick" that obsesses about 6db octave crossovers. No speaker manufacturer need apply without 1st order crossovers & good step response. "Set in stone" beliefs will always color perception. Like in the stereophile review, li... 
Any advice on a pre-amp with HT pass-through?
ARC LS16, has HT passthru. I think you can use the "tape loop" on older preamps in general, just not labeled passthru, volume control doesn't affect output