
Responses from hgeifman

Aurender conductor: unable to delete favorites?
Albums marked as favorites do not appear as favorites.  Aurender customer support reports “App update to fix coming soon”.        
Berkeley CA audiophile is desperate need of help
@bander, Please also reboot your modem and router. These means power off for 2 minutes and then restart (remove batteries, if any in these devices). If there are any software updates for your router, you should apply these updates.    
Berkeley CA audiophile is desperate need of help
@bander, The strange thing is the crashing issue has only occurred TWICE in the last 6 months. Is it possible the stored album being played or the streaming album caused the server to stop working?    What stored album was being played or steamed... 
Berkeley CA audiophile is desperate need of help
  @bander, Your original post says “ My digital system has crashed for the second time  in 6 months”.   It seems no local retailer is willing to help.  What did Innuous Customer Support say? I suggest you provide more details of the crash includ... 
Berkeley CA audiophile is desperate need of help
Are there any Innuous retailers in the San Francisco Bay Area that can help?  If not, call Alma Music and Audio in San Diego for help.   
Berkeley CA audiophile is desperate need of help
Does your post mean your Innuous server stopped working twice in 6 months? Once it stops, how long does it take to getting going again? Do you restart it? Is the software on the Innuous server up to date with all updates? Can Innuous customer supp... 
Aurender conductor: unable to delete favorites?
As noted above, I suggest you DELETE the Aurender conductor App from your iPad. Next, go to the App Store and search for Aurender Conductor App and reinstall it from scratch. I had similar issues before and this reinstall solved the issues. This ... 
MSB DAC's Popularity
Correction.  conversion = conversation  
MSB DAC's Popularity
MSB Contact Page Please review the link above for MSB North America Sales Manager info for conversion, demo, etc. as suggested above.      
MSB DAC's Popularity
@ghdprentice Is right in his above post. “Technology used is one thing in high end equipment but it is all about implementation and the blend of components and overall design”.  This means you have to audition a DAC in your system to ensure you l... 
MSB DAC's Popularity
See MSB Premier DAC Equipment review link: Soundstage MSB DAC Review  
MSB DAC's Popularity
What's Best Forum As noted above, please see the above link for the What’s Best Forum.    
MSB DAC's Popularity
A decision to purchase a DAC at this price range requires research, many conversations, auditions, and more auditions.  I auditioned several DAC ‘s and decided, for me, I liked the sound of a ladder R2R DAC.  Yes, I made mistakes during the way bu... 
Luxman L505uXii or Hegel H390
+1, Luxman.  Of course, if possible, I suggest you audition both amps.    
Any hi rez radio stations?
Radio Paradise +1, for Radio Paradise. It offers commercial free listing for their RP Main Mix, RP Mellow Mix, RP Rock Mix and World/ERc. Mix streaming using the FLAC format. There is no charge for Radio Paradise but they appreciate your donations...