Responses from hgeifman
Speakers For McIntosh? I own the McIntosh MCD205 CD player and the McIntosh MA6900 Integrated amplifier. The overall sound quality is excellent with my Sonus Faber Grand Piano speakers (older model). The extra power plus the tube like quality of the MA6900 make these sp... | |
Comments on Magnum Dynalab MD-205 Signal Sleuth No. The Magnum Dynalab MD-208 Receiver is part of my 2nd system and it is NOT replacing my McIntosh MA6900 ampliifer. This system also includes the Meridian 508.24 CD player and ProAc 2.5 Speakers. The Magnum Dynalab MD-208 Receiver took about a w... | |
What mini-monitors should I audition? I have been delayed and hope to listen to the M22 in the next several weeks. I also plan on hearing the Joseph Audio RM7si Signature Mk.2 speakers. Any comments? | |
Help Me Interim Speakers Suggestions? I suggest you look the Revel M22 loudspeaker. The Revel M22 is compact and a bookshelf-sized speaker. Revel is a high-end loudspeaker company owned by Harman International. This speaker targets audio enthusiasts who are looking for excellent sound... | |
TV's... what does the typical audiophile have? I have a Sony 32" XBR TV in the family room and no other tv sets. We are waiting for the prices to get lower and for more HD stations but I am looking a DLP (Samsung 50") and plasma (Marantz 42") sets. Several of my friends have recently purchased... | |
Rowland Concerto - Has anyone heard it yet The JRDG web site says the Concerto integrated amp will be available mid 2004. Please see http://www.jeffrowland.com/Concerto%20Int%20Page.htm for the details including front and rear pictures. I also heard $5,900 but you should confirm this price... | |
What do you like about your "favorite" retailer? A good retailer must be honest, represent high quality product lines and have a strong enthusiasm for audio retailing. They must be customer focused and provide assistance to their prospects and customers when auditioning equipment and various upg... | |
Integrated Amp and Speakers for a teenager? Have you considered the Cambridge SoundWorks "SoundWorks" Radio CD 740 priced at $299? The unit includes speakers, radio and CD player in one box. It plays loud and maybe be perfect for your teenager. The web address is:http://www.cambridgesoundwo... | |
What 2 Channel Receiver would be a good choice? Please go to http://www.magnumdynalab.com/ and review their Magnum Dynalab MD-208 Receiver. Price is $2,975. | |
My first real hi-end audio system Please advise The components you are receiving are excellent and your "new audio system" should sound great in your room. I agree with the person above that you should listen before you sell anything. There is no need to rush into equipment changes. You also sh... | |
Comments on Magnum Dynalab MD-208 receiver My goal is to downscale my 2nd system replacing the Rowland Concentra integrated amp with the Magnum dynalab MD-208 Receiver. I am not looking for the VERY BEST sound from the 2nd system but I do need it to sound good. I believe the MD-208 will do... | |
Comments on Magnum Dynalab MD-208 receiver The person above says the MD-208 Receiver does not have enough output current for the ProAc 2.5 speakers. The Magnum Dynalab MD-208 Receiver spec sheet says its current output is 30 amps peak. How many amps do the ProAc 2.5 speakers really need? t... | |
FM Antennae I use the Fanfare FM-2G FM antenna (approx. $100). Please see http://www.fanfare.com/fm2g-type.html. I was using the CCrane Reflect fm antenna but decided the Fanfare was better. Of course, the best solution is to install an antenna on your roof. ... | |
Plinius or Mark Levinson for Grand Pianos? I bought the McIntosh MA6900 Integrated amplifier for my Sonus Faber Grand Piano speakers and the overall sound quality is excellent. The extra power plus the tube like quality of the MA6900 really make these speakers stand out. SF Grand Piano spe... | |
Do the Jeff Rowland 201 amplifiers have warmth? The above referenced tread (from audiocircle) is very interesting, but I wish he would of tried them with an active preamp in balanced mode. I would be very interested in his comments if made these 2 adjustments. My assumption is the Rowland 201's... |