
Responses from hgeifman

Availability of Wadia
The San Francsico Retailer reports "The 301 is the 831 CD player with a new name. This is a great product and is pictured on the wadia website(www.wadia.com). It will have the new swift current technology and the latest wadia software. We have hea... 
Sonus Faber s Integrated Amplifier?
Does Sonus Faber have any plans to add balanced outputs to the Musica integrated amplifier? 
Availability of Wadia
I found the article below in Stereophile:Wadia Returns as Division of Audio Video Research By Barry Willis December 11, 2000 — Briefly gone but not forgotten, Wadia Digital will return as a division of Audio Video Research, Inc. (AVR) of Ann Arbo... 
Comments on the Magnum Dynalab MD-100
Has anyone purchased this tuner and have any comments? 
Sonus Faber s Integrated Amplifier?
Does the Musica integrated amplifier have both RCA and balanced outputs? 
Rate the Audiophile Publications
FYI: I found a web audio magazine site dedicated to the serious reproduction of music in the home. As per their site, this is, and always will be, a totally non-commercial section with nothing for sale and no advertising; audio related or otherwis... 
New Stereophile recommended list
The comment by Chstob above "hit the nail" on the head that Stereophile is a marketing and advertising business and has little to do with quality audio product review any more. I do not trust their ears or their recommended product list. I scan th... 
Replacement model for Magnum Etude tuner
Is the MD-102 that much better than the MD-100? It is very easy for me to over spend when purchasing new (or used) audio equipment. In this case, an FM Tuner is important but my CD Player continues to be my main music source. Does the MD-102 provi... 
Replacement model for Magnum Etude tuner
Rowland Concentra ll
Can I upgrade my Rowland Concentra amp to a Rowland Concentra II amp? What is the upgrade cost and expected sound improvement? Based on my past experience, audio component upgrades usually do not match improvements made to the new product. thanks.... 
Thiel owners save your packing boxes
You should save all audio equipment packing boxes. You never know when you will need them and they are expensive to replace. 
Is Wadia back?
Wadia Returns as Division of Audio Video Research (By Barry Willis) December 11, 2000 — Briefly gone but not forgotten, Wadia Digital will return as a division of Audio Video Research, Inc. (AVR) of Ann Arbor, Michigan, a new company formed in De... 
Cello Audio suite or Cello audio palette
FYI = Former Cello Designers Launch Mods for Vintage Cello Reference Components. Viola Audio Labs, a new high-end audio company, composed of the original Cello engineers and management have developed new performance modifications to the vintage Ce... 
Rowland Concentra ll
What is the list price of a new Rowland Concentra ll? 
Comments on the Bow Wazoo Integrated Amp
I will have to check on the efficiency of the SFs. For some types of music, I have to turn up the volume control very high and I get a little concerned. Would you recommend a more powerful amp? thanks......