Responses from hgeifman
What Amp for ProAc Response 3's? I own the Jeff Rowland Concentra intergrated amplifier for my ProAc 2.5 speakers. This combination and my Meridian 508.25 CD player sounds excellent. cheers.. | |
Poping noise starting up Mcintosh MA 6900 I also own the McIntosh MA6900 integrated amplifier and my unit does not make a "popping noise" when I turn it on. I do not know why your unit is doing this. Please call the McIntosh retailer you bought the unit from and ask them. | |
Anyone have, or heard a McIntosh C41? Please see the web site below that references a McIntosh C41. | |
Magnum Dynalab Question. Please go to the Magnum Dynalab web site at http://www.magnumdynalab.com/. The FAQ section includes comments about using Kimber wire in their tuners. I am considering their MD100 FM tuner but have no experience with using Kimber wiring. Most likel... | |
McIntosh MCD-205 Changer? After months of looking, I finally purchased the McIntosh MCD205 CD player from the House of Music in San Francisco. It is running balanced into my McIntosh MA6900 integrated amp with Sonus Faber Grand Piano speakers (older model) and it sounds ex... | |
Best Integrated amp for under 4k I suggest you listen to the McIntosh MA6900 integrated amplifier (http://www.mcintoshlabs.com/. Everyone, including me, has their opinion of what sounds good. You are getting many suggestions from this posting. However, you are going to have to ma... | |
$500 mini system suggestions, Bose need not apply What about the Cambridge SoundWorks "SoundWorks" 730 Radio priced at $249.99? The 730 CD version is expected sometime in September. The comments below were copied from their web site. I have the Cambridge Model 88 radio in my office and it works g... | |
CJ CAV-50 or VAC Avatar for Sonus Faber Grd Piano? I was using a 50wpc BOW Wazoo integrated amplifier for my Sonus Faber Grand Piano Speakers (older model) and recently switched to a McIntosh MA6900 integrated amplifier. I cannot believe how much better these speakers sound with the McIntosh and 2... | |
Suggestion for Audio Stores in Worcester & Boston Please go to web address http://www.stereo411.com/ and look for dealers by state. You can also list by brand name and find a list of dealers that have that brand. Stereo/411 does not always list everything dealer but, at least, it gives you a good... | |
recommendation of the reviews of the Bow Wazoo XL I found this review of the Bow Wazoo XL on www.audioreview.com:"Summary:This is Actually about the WAZoo XL. The more powerfull 75 Watt per channel Intergrated amp. I have been using several systems trying to find something better than the WazOO b... | |
Commentary on McIntosh Digital Products? After months of looking, I finally purchased the McIntosh MCD205 CD player from the House of Music in San Francisco. It is running balanced into my Bow Wazoo integrated amp with Sonus Faber Grand Piano speakers (older model) and it sounds excellen... | |
recommendation of the reviews of the Bow Wazoo XL As copied from the Bow Technologies web site, "at present there is no appointed importer in the USA. If you live in the US and wish to purchase a Bow Technologies product, please get in touch with our export sales office":BOW TECHNOLOGIES APSAmici... | |
Secrets and/or mod info for Theta Pro Basic IIIa?? Try Great Northern Sound at http://www.greatnorthernsound.com.cheers. | |
integrated /seperates step down I switched from separates to a Jeff Rowland Concentra I integrated amp. I also have the Meridian 508.24 Cd player and ProAc 2.5 Speakers. I have never felt the Rowland was a step down in performance and am enjoying my system very much. My goal was... | |
Commentary on McIntosh Digital Products? What do you think about the McIntosh MCD205 Cd player? I heard it at HE 2003 and plan to listen to it again. |