
Responses from hfisher3380

Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Petty - such is life and it has nothing to do with anyone in this chat group.Whom do you blame for the thousands of analogue recordings that never made it onto CD? For the 78rpm records that never survived to see the light of day as LPs? This is j... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
"Why don't you understand this? You need no skills. A five year old could do it."I think this pretty well sums it up for me...nicely said! 
HD Down Load compared to Analog.
Works both ways...in my experience it depends on the mastering, particularly how much compression is added into the mix... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
"So what you are really saying is YOU don't have an answer to my question. You could have just said that from the beginning, and saved everyone a whole lot of reading. Repeat after me....I...DON'T...KNOW. If you don't know then you haven't a clue ... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Yeah - was getting bored - need me another dose of Petty. Really, though...I've just been noticing the huge amount of high res releases over the past few months and it made me think back to this thread... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Was just remarking at the barrage of high res releases at HDTracks and Qobuz - thought it is time to resurrect this legendary thread!Has there ever been a better time for high res digital audio? Just purchased 15 Rush albums for less than $100 dol... 
Converting FLAC to WAV and keeping tags?
AIFF for me too. While I haven't done any head-to-head comparisons, these days storage is so cheap that I prefer to stick to an uncompressed format - and of course AIFF doesn't have the tagging problems of WAV.On one of my back-up drives I keep al... 
Pure Music or Amarra with iMac
I have tried all 3 in question here and my order of preference is Audirvana+ > Amarra > Pure Music.To me Audirvana+ is the most transparent and dynamic. I think there is something to direct and integer modes with Mountain Lion.Obviously thes... 
Audio Desk Record Cleaner
I just picked up an Audio Desk a few days ago and let me tell you at an early stage I am absolutely loving this thing! I have been a happy, if somewhat tired, user of a Loricraft PRC3 for the past 2 years and a VPI HW-16.5 prior to that. The Loric... 
BitPerfect for Mac vs Pure Music
Another Audirvana+ user here. In a word...transparent. 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
C'mon guys - gotta make it to page 8! Don't give up now!! 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Petty, gosh how I wish I had the power you are granting me!!But alas, unfortunately you're just giving me too much credit...somebody buy this man a cookie! I truly do appreciate the flattery... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Wow Petty - you're not very good at spotting obvious sarcasm.Look, it's very simple. You started this thread almost a year ago and it has stretched 7 pages. People have honestly tried to help you and steer you straight, you just haven't listened. ... 
MP3 vs Hi Res
Recording quality will trump resolution every day of the week and twice on Sundays.That said, a truly great recording will sound better with higher resolution played back on a high quality system. 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Another dimension of silliness. Always entertaining to read your inane posts, Petty.In conclusion, I hope all other formats get wiped out and computer audio is all you have. I'm just that kinda guy.Oh, except for vinyl - because I still love that ...