
Responses from herman

DAC That Punches Above Its Price Point
Please point me to any of sound components “certified” by audition at the end of “measurements based” production line. I have friends who are very highly respected designers/builders of sound components who would not think of shipping a component ... 
DAC That Punches Above Its Price Point
"measurements …. mean zero”...being analog circuitry design engineer, I disagree with such attitude. i why did you misquote him? he said "Measurements alone mean zero" which is vastly different when you leave out a word 
DAC That Punches Above Its Price Point
I’ve had the Gustard X16 for less than a year and love it! ($500)Check out review at ASR: That isn’t a review. It is a set of measurements. He doesn’t even mention if he listens to it.If you believe as ASR does that all that matters is how somet... 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
seems like every forum has a certain % who participate because they enjoy arguing. It has gotten worse because a certain % of people embrace a leader who has legitimized childish put downs and name calling. If the leader  is celebrated for childis... 
Cartridge ISOLATION; What Say You?
With the cartridge we want some combination of materials structured so as to hold the cartridge firmly in a fixed relationship to the head shell, and yet at the same time have just enough flexibility on a micro level to dissipate cartridge vibrati... 
High Quality dac with network streamer saves $1,000s
links of exactly what fiber port switches you used and Ethernet converters? you can use a Cisco 2960. It has a fiber port and highly regarded by many as a great switch for audio purposes. It can be easily modified to run from a DC supply rather... 
Record Cleaning Machines
Ultrasonic cleaning can be very effective against oils and greases, ...... . BUT, they need some chemistry to both lower the surface tension of the fluid to better wet the record makes sense, but many claim they are using ultra pure water to ... 
Record Cleaning Machines
I can’t imagine using the Kirmuss system.. . Life is too short.My understanding is that ultrasonic is not effective on removing grease and oils. Is this correct?After trying various VPI type machines and a Degritter I use the Gem Dandy. http://hif... 
High Quality dac with network streamer saves $1,000s
 a standard in professional recording studios for well over a decade I think this is the key take away here. Unless you want to spend megabucks get a pro-audio based device like this and don't look back. Lynx, Antelope, Apogee, and other pro aud... 
How are most audiophiles going from streamers to DACS
  avoid bandwidth limited optical and go USB I've tested all of them and have gravitated to I2S what part of "his streamer only has coax and optical outputs" are  you all having trouble with? 
OK, so I have to ask. Is this real, or is this a joke?
If you can hear it then a test device can pick it up If true, this means that we have a complete understanding about how the human brain receives and process external stimulus. It means we have been able to quantify everything that has to do wi... 
OK, so I have to ask. Is this real, or is this a joke?
Through magnetic conduction, NPS-1260 works on a micro-level to bind the electrons in your connectors, improve their transfer of energy, and direct the current more fluidly  I have no idea if it improves the sound, but this marketing statement ... 
How are most audiophiles going from streamers to DACS
Wow, a tremendous amount of pontificating, bad advice, and stuff that doesn't apply, If you are going to give "advice" you could at least see what the equipment is capable of. First of all, the DAC has USB, optical, and coax digital input while th... 
Best Preamp and Amp combination, interesting finding!!!
 Keeping the signal digital and in the digital domain into a digital power amp where it is converted to analog for your speakers will produce the best possible sound. Wow, talk about blanket statements. In any case, there is really no such thin... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
Nada. Audio signals are AC. This conclusion is based on a gross misunderstanding about how electricity and electronics works. It assumes the current flows first in one direction and then the other since it is called "alternating current" . Nothing...