
Responses from herman

What Are Your Reference Discs? or Specific Reference Tracks
So the OP just asked for some reference recordings. I observe more than I post, but seems like  every thread that Millercarbon participates in become first of all a lecture series from MC, and then a bunch of snarky comments back and forth between... 
Done selling on eBay, they are demanding my social security number to sell
Nothing about the tax laws has changed in this regard. It has nothing to do with politics. What has changed is the tax collectors are catching up to all the people who were illegally evading taxes by dealing direct on the internet. What this negat... 
Done selling on eBay, they are demanding my social security number to sell
anybody that buys things and sells them for a profit has a potential tax liability. That's how business and tax systems work.  The seller has no tax liability unless they make a profit so you are incorrect.,  you don't "have to pay taxes when you ... 
Done selling on eBay, they are demanding my social security number to sell
Why else would they want our SS#? so they can report your income to the IRS. Until recently millions and millions of dollars of goods were sold through eBay and other sites without any sales tax being collected and without the profits being report... 
Done selling on eBay, they are demanding my social security number to sell
 you have to pay back all sales taxes you’ve received. Correct? no, you never receive it.. they collect it from the buyer and send it to the states.. it does not come to the seller 
Open Baffle Opinions - I Won't go back to Boxed Speakers Evr Again (maybe....)
Try active crossovers and amping. Try it, don't speculate it in an online forum where 90% of the input will be from individuals that don't have any firsthand experience. agreed, and I do have experience with this. Pure Music and Pure Vinyl are... 
Is $2,844 too much to pay for a fuse?
, if one inch of hair thin cheap wire does not degrade sound quality then why waste money on good wire anywhere? cheap has nothing to do with it, that is hyperbole for dramatic effectin order for it to work the fuse has to have a certain amount... 
Is $2,844 too much to pay for a fuse?
these produce a more efficient flow of electrons which allows for greater conductivity. Also, according to Tsang, "the QSA technology removes Bottle-neck Distortions (BND), while independent studies have shown that our fuse technology improves the... 
Speakers The single most critical component
@phusis yes, good eye, that is a Genelec HT3 sub. It is part of a home theater system completely separate from the 2 channel. I have a Trinnov processor running a 7.3.6 system. You  can see the L-R Paradigms sitting inside the bass horns too. You ... 
Speakers The single most critical component
The notion that there is only one right approach, which implies only one correct set of priorities, is unreasonable. I am a fan of extremely dynamic speakers, such as full-range, full-range used as wide range drivers in multiway systems, and horn... 
Speakers The single most critical component
Active DSP crossovers negate many of those issues.point takenYou can also implement DSP in a digital front end but impossible to implement in my  analog chain .... Turntable >> Phono stage >> volume control >> amplifier >> ... 
Speakers The single most critical component
Mr Mozart... we may differ on details but fundamentally agree. The path to the truth for me is highly efficient speakers and low powered amplifiers. That has led me to the horns I have today which are around 110dB efficient30-180 Hz covered by the... 
Speakers The single most critical component
DOAH !!! FR = Full Range .. HA! I get itunfortunately, despite your passion, you are incorrect. Full range drivers as dletch2 pointed out are inherently flawed, just like all speakers are inherently flawed. This is the reason they are the most cri... 
Speakers The single most critical component
OK I‘ll nail my colours to the mast: my primary directive is ’garbage in garbage out‘, with ’weakest link’ lurking in the background.By that I mean that the source should always take precedence, and that a  top down hierarchy is justifiedGive me y... 
Speakers The single most critical component
What he confuse with "echo" is the walking speed and changes of position while singing of the singers...They move constantly on the stage or in the studio and their head is never fixed but turn right or left singing or speaking... It is easy to he...