

Responses from halcro

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I received a response from the Moderators relating to Timeltel (the Professor) I understand your concerns. Our forum moderation rules are based on several factors, and this particular member has hit a threshold that we must now moderate. Generally... 
Phono interconnect under $500 used
Interesting Ralph.So in a single ended system.......you are hearing the differences in cables be they phono to an external phono stage.....interconnects to the preamp and then interconnects to the amp(s)?These could be a serious accumulation of 'c... 
Phono interconnect under $500 used
Ralph,Are you saying that a phono cable terminated with XLRs going into a fully balanced phono-stage/Pre-amp.......will always sound better/purer than a single ended RCA connection?Regards 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Nikola is of course jealous that I received my XV-1s after only a four month wait whilst he is still awaiting his Shiraz.I must admit I also panicked a little at the waiting time......but considering that Axel needed to 'find' a new coil to replac... 
How to get Halcro SSP-100 remote repaired
If you're located in Australia......you can have it repaired by the original technical designer in Adelaide. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I have written to the Moderators on the Professor's behalf.We shall see if anything changes for him or if......as a result.....I am also ostracized?I find this kind of 'censorship' peculiarly un-American and offensive? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Mike,I will join the others in celebrating your good luck with the Signet TK-7LCa.Hopefully the stylus is in as good shape as mine.......and has the wording "Signet TK-7LCa" on both the stylus assembly and cartridge body?Whilst I own six sample... 
When a Reviewer "likes" something
We must never forget that the purpose of magazines is to sell copies....and the purpose of manufacturers is to sell product.If manufacturers make NEW product.....the magazines can write NEW reviews of these NEW products and people will (hopefully)... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,I have two Signet TK-7 LCa cartridges.....one with the 155Lc transplant and the other with the original Signet NOS line contact stylus.I have another TK-7SU and a TK-7Ea as well as a TK-7E.I have a TK-5Ea, a TK-5E and a TK5/155Lc as well... 
Vandersteen Amp?
One morning in London....walking around Knightsbridge......I counted nine Ferraris..Two were actually in motion whilst seven were parked in the streets.......no garages for 18th century townhouses.......:-) 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,A perfect speaker the best can do is to reproduce the signal with out degradation and there is no perfect speakers/rooms.Well I believe that the the sound of any system is primarily the result of the speakers and room interaction.So if y... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Nicola,Those who aresceptical about my thesis should try whatever Chinese operaThat's true......but not only restricted to Chinese?Most Asian traditional music is 'difficult' for our 'western' ears.......just try listening to a few hours of B... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,For months maybe years I know exactly what kind of sound is enjoying Halcro and he can't believe it because I never been at his place but I know very well almost all his audio system items and his posts help me about. There is no experie... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Nikola,As much as I enjoy reading all your posts (with their inimitable humour)......your latest posting here is a doozy :-)Very well said.....Regards 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
You're right Jack,Thanks for pointing that out.The TK-7SU is based on the TK-7E body.....whilst the TK-7LCa is the TK-7Ea body.RegardsHenry