

Responses from halcro

Question on FR 66s
Yes.....centre of Tower is Pivot point.I do have the Dyna XV-1s which is currently mounted to one of my FR-66s arms..........but I also have 38 other cartridges ready mounted in their own headshells and all of them have been played on the FR-64s a... 
Question on FR 66s
If you use the 231.5mm S to P distance for the FR-64s.......you will not be able to interchange headshells onto the FR-66s which is best set at 295mm.I prefer to set my FR-64s at the FR recommended 230mm S to P to match the 295mm of the FR-66s.And... 
Question on FR 66s
Endless repetition indeed Nikola.The horror.........oh the horror..... 
Audio companies which started from DIY users?
Continuum in Australia also started like this. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
But what about a whole Thread recently titled......'Audio Karma'? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
This is my fouth time under Agon scrutiny and perhaps not the last one.Dear Raul,I can understand the monitoring of you and your posts.You......can offend people :-)But the gentle Professor and Thuchan?Regards 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
It is not only the Professor (Timeltel) who is a 'watched man'.......Thuchan is also unable to post without a two day 'screening' process.The reasons proferred by A'Gon to these two valuable contributors.....are confusing and irrational.Land of th... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
No problem Don,I got it :-) 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Thanks Fleib,I suspect that the reason for Axel's 'failure' is the poor fit of his plastic stylus body?It seems to only contact the cartridge body at a single unstable point which allows the whole assembly to 'rock' or 'flex'?The boron cantilever ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Thanks to Don mentioning his Jico SAS stylus transplant on his Garrott P77 a while ago.........I ordered one to try in one of my two original 30 year old P77s.I was a little hesitant about this transplant as I had sent one of my Garrotts to Axel t... 
Question on FR 66s
All FR-66s arms originally came with the B-60 VTA Base which allows adjustment 'on the fly'.If your arm is without it.......the previous owner has kept it or sold it separately?An original B-60 Base is almost unobtainable......but there are a few ... 
Question on FR 66s
Pain,I've had four unipivots.......Hadcock GH-228, Grace 940G, Continuum Copperhead and Phantom II.I never found the Graham to be better in its speed or transient response than any of the other unipivots.I can say that the FR-64s and 66s better th... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Tonywinsc,You flatter me :-)I don't believe that I have more experience than many folk here?What I do have through my architectural profession......is a working knowledge of structural engineering, building materials, construction techniques and b... 
Question on FR 66s
Dear Nikola,You're right to place your faith in the Bavarian Brigade rather a Slavic brother who is a poor immigrant living in a developing country like Australia.Is that why you also prefer LOMCs to MMs?I thought you believed a certain Mexican or... 
Question on FR 66s
BTW nobody uses those old and heavy headshells. The most of us use the Orsonic , preferably the AV-101 b or s.Dear Nikola,Where do you get these 'facts'?I love the FR3 headshell for my FR-64s and 66s arms. Even the FR5 headshell is a fine one.The...