

Responses from halcro

Maintenance for arms with detachable headshells
Gosh guys...You've got me worried now..😱How can I 'undo' the WD40❓ 
Koetsu Jade v SPU classic v FR 7 fz cartidges
It doesn't much matter whether the Orsonic is a fake or real. The design indicates little appreciation for structural mechanics or the job of a proper headshell.Whilst I have used many good headshells in the FR Series tonearms....there is a defini... 
Koetsu Jade v SPU classic v FR 7 fz cartidges
I suggest you try mounting the Koetsu in a different headshell to the Orsonic.I have found that the design of the Orsonic headshells (most of them in the marketplace are cheap fakes) is structurally inadequate to hold a cartridge securely during d... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
So why do we need MM when we have MC (for the same price) ?So you believe that MCs are better than MMs at equal price levels...? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Chakster,Interesting specs....Why do you imagine manufacturers of current model MM cartridges are building them to lesser standards than past ones...and certainly lesser standards than current model LOMCs...?Is there some sinister plot...❓👹 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I have the AT150ANV and the AT7V and have compared them to their vintage brethren.Whilst the AT150ANV sounds similar tonally to both the AT155Lc and the Signet TK7LCa....it somehow misses the ability to convey the emotional impact of the music. In... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
They say you have to kiss many frogs before you find your prince...🐸Luckily with vintage cartridges...that adage doesn't necessarily apply..😍Over the last six years the majority of the fifty or more used vintage cartridges I have bought have given... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Why Halcro's favored topology, which is not at all original to Halcro, has anything to do with Copernicus, I have never understood, but that's ok. It's catchy.Now that's a good question to put to the Copernican Thread....😎 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
A plinth or chassis is a logical design for a commercial table,And I think that just answered Lew's question why most turntable manufacturers produce the 'attached' package.It's easy, convenient and generally 'plug'n'play'.But this discussion real... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
You accept without question that a stylus can slow a 22kg platter.Untrue.....I never accepted this fact until proven to me by the Timeline.And I still find it hard to believe......Your calculations are frankly nonsense IMHO.Simply provide the evi... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
So what are we left with,the stylus moving a 4 or 5lb pod?Ooh no Totem...The stylus actually moves a 25lb pod...😝💩And Lewm apparently agrees with this 'theory'....But here's the really puzzling thing....we have many tools available to actually pr... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
The L07D is a system, using several different metals (stainless steel, alu, brass) with different temperature coefficients of expansion,The basic frame of the L-07d shown in my attachment is cast aluminium which has twice the expansion co-efficie... 
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop
Have you downloaded the Sevice Manual from Vinyl Engine?It is comprehensive....and has a trouble-shooting guide. 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
I wonder where is Halcro to argue the other side?I think Fleib is doing quite a competent job....It is clear from previous discussions that opponents of the free-standing armpod will never change their firmly held beliefs....so I felt no need to f... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Sorry.....I meant to say HiFiDo sells V15s for $300.....not $400 👹