

Responses from halcro

Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
That's a strange statement from a guy who has obviously never heard the Continuum Cobra or Copperhead?And the breakthrough that these arms have delivered will ensure that even THEY will not be the 'final word'? 
Suspended vs. non suspended turntable
Hi Keith,With that budget you can get the Raven AC together with the Australian Continuum Copperhead arm which quite frankly is astounding.If you live in Sydney you are welcome to come to my place to hear the differences for yourself.RegardsHalcro 
Suspended vs. non suspended turntable
The Walker, Continuum and Rockport are not suspended designs.Just because two of them may be placed on air-suspended platforms has little in common with the principles of true 'suspended design' turntables like the VPIs, Linn and Sotas.To join the... 
Built-in phono stages
I have the Halcro DM10 which has the built-in phonostage for both MM and MC cartridges with 3 stages of gain for the MCs so LOMCs are no problem (I'm currently running ZYX Universe and Dynavector DV1s).The beauty is no interconnects and additional... 
TW Raven Acustic AC Owners
As with ANY turntable (unsuspended OR suspended)......placing on a cantilevered wall-mounted shelf is hard to beat.The Raven AC is heavy so that a masonry wall is recommended or really rigid bolting directly to studs in a plasterboard is necessary... 
Turntable or vinylology 101 for newbies.
Do NOT bank on Audiofeil's dogma!Yes....there are many who share his view.It does not make it truth nor fact.I too have had major revelations in changing cartridges....more so than arms or turntables.Once you have reached a certain level of compet... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
I live in Sydney in the eastern suburbs.Copperhead has VTA 'on the fly'.You're very welcome to come over to hear the arm which has the Dynavector DV1s attached.I have the Hadcock GH228 with ZYX Universe also attached and am waiting for the arrival... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Hey Downunder......I can't believe that being in Australia, you don't take advantage of having access to the Continuum Copperhead tonearm?!This arm quite frankly, moves design parameters to a new level.It's big brother (the Cobra), is the REAL rea... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Thank you Raul for this valuable post.I agree with you......it is only in the last 10 years that I have mounted MC cartridges in my system.Before that I was happily playing with Nagaoka MP11, Stantons, and the original Garrott P77 bought from the ... 
Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom
In my experience, nothing beats the ZYX Universe .24 Copper.One of the truly enlightening changes to any system.The Dynavector DV1s is no slouch either but lacks the last vestige of transparent emotion of the ZYX.Don't touch the Lyra Titani unless... 
Raven owners - how's your mid-range?
Midrange is back!!!I suspect the Copperhead arm cabling needed more than 70 hours burn-in (who woulda thought?)...unless someone knows that the Dynavector DV1s needs that much?The Raven/Copperhead/DV1s combo now outperforms any front end I have he... 
Raven owners - how's your mid-range?
Thanks for all the helpful replies.Last night I listened till 1am and it was sounding very good.I'm hoping the problem is with the new Copperhead arm and its brand new exotic wiring which has is still burning-in after about 60 hours.I think the Ha... 
Raven owners - how's your mid-range?
We're comparing apples to apples.Rega Planar 3, Hadcock GH228, ZYX Universe.Raven AC, Hadcock GH228, ZYX Universe.With Rega, superb deep 3D midrange.With Raven, recessed 2D unconvincing midrange.For what it's worth, Halcro DM10 Preamp, Halcro DM58... 
zyx universe cartr.- ideal weight -ideal vta ,
Didn't work for me Doug!Whilst your methodology sounds very convincing, I tried it on my Raven AC with Hadcock GH228 and it failed.I have had the ZYX UNIverse for 1 year and thought I was tracking it at 1.9gm until I bought a digital gauge which s... 
ZYX Universe, Dynavector XV-1s, vdH Colibri, ??
Sorry Nsgarch,It was only after I sent the post that I saw the date on yours.Who knew this thread was that old?