

Responses from halcro

Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Phaser/Downunder,A pleasure to have you both over at the same time to hear the Raven/Copperhead/Grandezza.A Sunday or Monday in 3 or 4 weeks time would suit?Use Email to confirm/liaise? 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
I thought your review was admirable Jon.I have the Raven AC with both the Continuum Copperhead (Dynavector DV1s) and Davinci Grandezza (ZYX Universe) arms, and I can clearly hear the different 'colouring' of both arms!So perhaps the 'colouring' yo... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Thomas,You are the best placed among us to comment on the differences YOU hear between:-The PhantomThe TriplanarDavinci GrandezzaI'd be most interested in your views? 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Hey guys.....don't underestimate the Rega Planar 3!It MUST be wall-mounted and the Hadcock GH228 is a far better match than the Rega arms.I simply don't gel with the sound of suspended decks.......do any of you see a similarity here - Caliburn, Cr... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Raul,The real high-end of Audio is rarefied indeed.The vast majority of listeners will never be able to hear the true cutting-edge designs in their own systems, in their own listening environment.If one were to evaluate advances in audio design by... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Sirspeedy I haven't ignored your request for a review of the Copperhead arm.As I think I mentioned, I'm waiting to mount my newly arrived Davinci Grandezza 12" Ref to see just how good the Copperhead is against what I consider to be formidable opp... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
I have the Copperhead on the Raven AC and my friend has the Cobra on the Continuum Caliburn.Without checking his set-up for VTF and VTA, I can tell you that the Raven/Copperhead sounds positively better.Even my friend agrees! 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Raul,Thank you for pointing out the derivations of certain pivoted arms.As there are basically 2 commercially successful methods to achieve the pivoted arm principle (unipivot and double gimbel bearings...the Schroeder double magnet bearing is sti... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Raul, whilst we all appreciate the experiences and comparisons that you bring to this forum, I think that Zieman has a point.Your claim that the old technology of arms is as good as, if not better than the new, is demonstrably false just as your b... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Sirspeedy I'm not in the industry in any way....I'm an Architect.Firstly I said that I've never heard the Triplanar arm....I said that the Agent for these arms in Australia just happens to be the CEO of Continuum Audio Labs.I've heard the Phantom ... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Downunder...I've read it!As I intimated, he isn't about to compare it, in print, to the Phantom made by his mate Bob Graham!?Also in the latest Absolute Sound, Jon Valin goes one better on Fremer by making the Raven AC/3 the new REFERENCE! above t... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Audiofeil I know you advocate the tonearm ahead of the cartridge and after hearing the effects of the Continuum Copperhead on the sound I can achieve, I can understand why you think so.However where we differ is in the superb improvements in sound... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
PS Sirspeedy,The distributer in Australia for the Triplanar arm is in fact the CEO of Continuum Audio (Dr Murali Murugasu) and he has listened at length to the Triplanar vs the Cobra and Copperhead.....not good news for you Triplanar fans?However ... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Sirspeedy.Sorry I wasn't very clear......the comparison to the Phantom HAS been done many times (I have not heard the Triplanar).Unfortunately the Phantom could not compete in any meaningful way with either the Copperhead or Cobra.Mikey Fremer has... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Downunder you should have called me to come and listen. I'm just down the road from HiFi Junction.Copperhead has been running since Xmas 07.Continuum re-drilled the TW Acustic armboard to fit. It's only cosmetic reasons that Raven are supplying a ...