

Responses from halcro

REVIEW:Raven AC-3+Davinci+Copperhead
http://forums.avguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=3588Dgarretson,Thanks for your feedback.Please see the link above for my further explanations on sound transmission.No further decoupling is required.....it is physics and acoustics. Those who wish to put ... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Phaser,Well of course there are many tables, arms and cartridges out there.If we follow your argument, there can be NO declaration of SOTA in High End Audio because no-one will ever hear every combination of deck, arm and cartridge.We must rely on... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Sirspeedy,Raul has continually proclaimed the arm/cartridge compatibility issue and I'm willing to accept it for existing arms.What I'm claiming for the Copperhead is that we simply can no longer view this as an arm which has a 'sound' which match... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Raul,I think you have misunderstood the review slightly.I preferred the Davinci only above the OLD Copperhead (which was faulty).Once the NEW Copperhead was installed, it was simply a different universe. 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Thanks Albert,Gosh.....I didn't even know that section existed?I don't think many people will be aware of it?Oh well. 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
I can't find it under its own title? 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Raven AC-3+Davinci+CopperheadFor some reason they won't let me post the review?Please click the link below if they let this one through?http://forums.avguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=3585 
turntable skipping with footsteps
Seems you already know the solution! 
turntable feedback
This is a statement I posted on AV Guide.It shows that if you can't do everything you can to mount the TT from a wall.....you are pushing shit uphill!Mount the TT on a shelf firmly cantilevered from the wall.Sound is transmitted it 2 basic ways:AI... 
Sound proofing floor
Most of the advice posted above would spend your money for little result.Sound travels in 2 basic ways....STRUCTURE BOURNE and AIR-BOURNE.The trick is....the air-borne can become structure-borne and vice-versa.Unless you TOTALLY decouple your new ... 
Sound proofing floor
As someone has already intimated.....is consult with an Acoustic Engineer (not some builder who has done acoustic work).Acoustics is a science (unless we try to design a Concert Hall where it becomes more of an art), and what may seem logical to t... 
Valhalla interconnects - recommended?
Leica man,I've read some of your threads on the Synergistic Research range which interest me.As I'm in Australia, I don't think The Cable Company will be happy to send me cables for testing?If I don't want leaner, brighter or more vivid than the C... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Dgad,You appear to have had the Phantom on your Raven at the same time as the Schroeder Ref?Are you able to give us your impressions of these 2 arms? 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Just to muddy the waters further, here is a preview of what Jonathon Valin thinks may be better than either the Walker or Raven, with the Grandezza arm also being the best?http://forums.avguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=3561 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Thank you Thomas.Excellent information!