

Responses from halcro

Why my left speaker sounds louder then my right
Is it on all sources?.........or only phono? 
Valve phono or valve linestage?
I am a VERY SATISFIED Herron Audio user and customerI appreciate that.My requirements however call for balanced RCA inputs for phono as well as balanced connections between phono/pre and amps.Very few manufacturers of tube gear provide XLR inputs... 
Valve phono or valve linestage?
It may take a while, but the only real way to know for sure is to listen to various combinations in your own system with YOUR source(s), YOUR amps and YOUR speakers.Couldn't agree more Bp......but seeing most tube units I'm interested in are USA m... 
Valve phono or valve linestage?
Dear Raul,Thanks for your input.I know how you feel about 'tubes'......but I simply do not agree with you based on listening in my own system?Yes....I agree that there is a slight diminution in bass depth and control compared to the very best SS..... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Oh oh.......just received a full refund from StereoNeedles for my PayPal payment for the 155Lc stylus.Seems that Paypal won't allow them to send merchandise outside the USA even though they process the payment?Strange.......out of the hundreds of ... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Dear Nikola,My 'Slavic' friend......perhaps I was dreaming of the Baltic?I was not impressed with Belgrade when I was there 40 years ago.....and in a Skopje campsite (I know it's really Macedonia but then.....everything was Yugoslavia!) on the toi... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Dear Banquo,I have one 155Lc on the TK-3Ea and one on the TK-5Ea and one on the TK-7Ea as well as one on the AM-10s (on the Professor's advice).Whist both the 3 and the 5 are improved with this transplant......the bigger bang I think.....because i... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Thank you Banquo,In the past I seem to remember that StereoNeedles only accepted payment via direct Bank Transfer...and I was not prepared to pay the bank's fees for this plus have no Buyer's Protection to boot?I just used your link to buy the 155... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Dear Nikola,I have travelled through Holland and have met a few Dutch people in Australia and elsewhere.I am not like the Dutch........I would like to give you one of my 155Lc styli.......but since there is no further source for them.......and the... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Dear Raul,Good to see you also have a sense of humour?At the moment.....because of the lack of a preamp.......no distortions of any kind for me?! CALAMARI?Only off a silver plate Herr Professor! 
Nude TT / Armpod question
Each of my armpods is made of cast bronze and weighs 30 lbs sitting on 3 spikes. ARMPODSThey simply don't move without me physically lifting one of the spikes.This is not a new idea.....see DaVinci's turntable system? 
Nude Turntable Project
Hi Lew,I agree.....speakers are normally the first thing to 'blow' with a sudden violent volume? I've had it happen to me and lost not only the tweeters....but also the midrange drivers!Because of the shock factor.....I'm a little confused about t... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Dear Professor,The reason you don’t like broccoli has nothing to do with the quality of broccoli per se….for I know it very well and it is a fine food product.The reasons perhaps you don’t know it……but your crockery, cutlery and dining table are n... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
but I understand that an architect loves 'huge projects'.Ha ha...very true.In the variables I listed....I left out Headshells and Headshell Wires.....which Raul rightly advocates as important elements.Throw in a choice of 5 headshells and 3 types ... 
Feedback blew my phono stage?
Thanks Chris,Food for thought.Funny about the 420STR?