
Responses from guidocorona

APL NWO2.5 ?
Hi Brent, would love to fly to CES. Unfortunately it does not seem to be in the cards. I have all intentions to return to AudioFest in 07 though. . . may I take a raincheck? 
Vienna Acoustics Mahlers too big for my room?
One thing to consider is that Pscialli's room, while not terribly large, is incredibly solid and well dampened because of how the walls were constructed, post construction wall treatements, and dense pile carpeting. So much so that the the B&W... 
McIntosh C1000 tube pre vs. ARC Ref 3?
Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity of auditioning a C1000, and I am not inclined to comment on products that I do not know. On the other hand, I have auditioned at length the ARC Ref 3, and ended up purchasing it. I compared directly aga... 
Flying Mole Amps
I auditioned the Flying Mole monoblock amps at the Denver AudioFest for approx 30 minutes. They impressed me very much for sounding . . . singularly average. I did not hear anything terrible or offensive from them, but I was not hearing any stirri... 
What do you look for in damping factor?
Ralph, I am slightly confused. Are you trying to say that:A. The perceivable synergy of the Rowland 312 and the Mahlers exists in spite of the amps high damping factor?B. The 312's damping factor is immaterial to its synergy with speakers in gener... 
What do you look for in damping factor?
Like others suggested, I suspect a high or low damping factor is likely neither good nor it is bad, rather it may render an amplifier more or less suited for a given speaker. For example, while Sean has commented elsewhere on this forums that he f... 
APL NWO2.5 ?
Do not worry Mak, there is wonderful equipment at all price points, and Alex has an excellent name throughout the range! As for me, unfortunately for the next two years I won't likely purchase any major new equipment. . . my better half has shut d... 
What is the best SS Amp and Pre given the trends?
MRT, I regret that you may not even know the meaning of the word perspicacity. For if you did, you would have likely displayed sufficient basic acumen to grock that this thread is not concerned with the old and tired argument of overall supremacy ... 
What is the best SS Amp and Pre given the trends?
Truly fascinating, MRT! And now, after blaring the painfully obvious, are you going to impart some wisdom onto us poor audiosods as to your own preferred SS amp, and how this yet unnamed device congrues with your own equally unstated audio goals?O... 
What is the best SS Amp and Pre given the trends?
I should like to add that the Rowland 312 I heard was matched to a Rowland Concerto pre-amp. I was truly stunned by how good the combination sounded. Had I known this fact one year ago, when I was still on the market for a pre, I would certainly h... 
What is the best SS Amp and Pre given the trends?
While the 'best' of anything likely does not exist, the musically most satisfying amp I have auditioned this far, regardless of underlying technology, is the new Rowland 312. See my further comments on this device at: 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
Interesting thread. . . how did I miss this until now? I have had the priviledge to audition the Vienna Mahler last October at the Denver Audiofest in the Soundings HIFI / Rowland suite. The system consisted of a CDp from Sweeden whose brand I reg... 
APL NWO2.5 ?
Mak, if I recall correctly, a NWO-2.5 may cost approx $20K all inclusive. Brent at APL will give you the exact figure.G. 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
Drubin, thank you for the comps, but. . . please do not write so loud. . . I have a bad reputation I am trying to foster around here !!Merry Christmas everyone!Guido 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
Drubin, the terms commonly used are:Finer Granularity -- to indicate a trend towards smaller increments or more detail.Coarser granularity -- to indicate a trend towards the opposite.