
Responses from guidocorona

PC for Rowland 312 and others?
Thank you Paul and Garebear! paul, what other PCs have you tried on JRDG 501s and COncerto pre? Does Golden Ref perform equally well on 501s and Concerto pre? Garebear, the Shunyata VX variants contain some filtering material that may end up deade... 
PC for Rowland 312 and others?
Thank you guys, yes I have unscientifically swapped in one case 2 PCs at a time (on PC1 and X-01) as you will read below. . .I have now tried 3 different PCs on the PC1+Capri combo: Cardas Golden Ref, Purist Anniversary, and Shunyata Helix Anacond... 
Rowland PC1 PFC on Capri pre early findings
Hi Bob, yes I have some new findings. . . and they are still trickling in. . . I have now tried 3 different PCs on the PC1+Capri combo: Cardas Golden Ref, Purist Anniversary, and Shunyata Helix Anaconda Alpha. I am slightly surprised about my own ... 
Review: Jeff Rowland Continuum 500 Amplifier
Rafael, the answer is yes, current JRDG designs are completely balanced from the input to the output signal; so much so that the output signal of JRDG amps have active positive and negative phases. This is one of the reasons why they tend to have ... 
Review: Jeff Rowland Continuum 500 Amplifier
Hi Dave, if the Continuum phono stage can even rouse old Reiner from deep sleep. . . it must be marvellous! Sorry. . . just cannot resist jibing when it comes to ol' Fritz (:)! 
Spectron Musician 3 First Impressions?
RKMCV, I am not surprised about very long break in time on Spectron. . . seems switching amps require inordinate amounts of time to yield their very best. . . anyone who has not had the patience of nursing any of these these devices to their ultim... 
Review: Spectron Musician III SE - Monoblocks Amplifier
Not at all surprised about your findings. . . you confirm my suspicions of high Spectron monoblock config potential, after auditioning Spectron stereo during 2007 RMAF. It would be very intriguing to a/b Spectron in mono config with JRDG 312 stere... 
Review: Jeff Rowland Continuum 500 Amplifier
Hi Dave, not surprised about your reaction to the Soltl perf of Beethoven 9th. . . I heard subtleties and profound understanding of the score in the 2nd movement that I had never heard before. . . now have to find a version of the same on CD or SA... 
Review: Jeff Rowland Continuum 500 Amplifier
In current integrateds Continuum 500 has PFC; 250 does not have PFC but is compatible with PC1. In amps 302, 312, 301 have PFC built in; 201, 501 do not have PFC but are compatible with PC1 through fuse change/repositioning. I recommend 2 PC1 unit... 
Review: Jeff Rowland Continuum 500 Amplifier
You are correct Dave, what I wrote concerns the 500 model; furthermore the Continuum 250 does not incorporate a PFC circuit. Guido 
Review: Jeff Rowland Continuum 500 Amplifier
Rafael, I can confirm that Continuum uses switching power supply(s). What I do not know is if it has one PS serving both channels or twin supplies. Continuum also has a PFC circuit capable of delivering 1500W of DC, which is essentially equivalent... 
Review: Jeff Rowland Continuum 500 Amplifier
The 312 in my system was not at all new, but had probably not been played for a little spell, and had been shipped in a frigid cargo hold. . . it took perhaps 100 hours to settle down.If the Continuum has a standby switch on the front plate. . . l... 
Review: Jeff Rowland Continuum 500 Amplifier
Hi Dave, I know Jeff Rowland is a great believer in fully balanced systems. . . it is highly likely that your Continuum will sound even better if you feed it a balanced signal from the CDP. Guido 
Review: Jeff Rowland Continuum 500 Amplifier
That's really exciting Dave. . . and -- no surprise -- you discovered there is a magic synergy between JRDG electronics and Vienna speakers. . . isn't that uncanny? By the way, do you happen to know what power chord was on the Continuum and what s... 
Review: NuForce 9 V2 SE Amplifier
Hi Drubin, are you suggesting you may have sold the Nuforce prematurely. . . or are you simply pulling my 'poetic' leg? Guido