
Responses from guidocorona

speakers for classical music
"Lets all start praying."To say it with the inimitable Zork. . . "if you pray long enough, your prayer will be answered!" . . . unless you get smitten by the Troll first that is.In the meantime, we know that there is no one solution, between syste... 
speakers for classical music
"I would very much like to hear Atmasphere's particular design and approach properly implemented in a matching system!"Me too. . . already heard Atma's designs at RMAF twice. . . perhaps 3rd time lucky? G. 
speakers for classical music
Not sure how we got from speakers for classical music to being bestowed with a lecture from upon high about the inherent superiority of tube electronics. G. 
speakers for classical music
Shadorne, from my minor experience. . . JRDG 7M delivering max 170A peak ad damping factor of 170 is borderline for controlling bass drivers of Vienna Mahlers. At 1000, JRDG 501s and 312 seem just about right. . . Nuforce at 4000 is perhaps overda... 
speakers for classical music
MC402 appears to have a damping factor of 40. This may be too low for Vienna speakers. worth listening too. . . but I suspect result may be a little woolly. G. 
Review: Playback Designs MPS-5 CD Player
Hi Dave, you are perfectly right. . . if you loan me your Chianti. . . I may never return it! :) 
Review: Playback Designs MPS-5 CD Player
Spoke to Jonathan this aft. . . very intriguing device. Hope to be able to listen to it at RMAF in one form or another. . . would love to a/b it with my trusty TEAC X-01 Limited. 
Balanced Integrated Amp Connection
Thanks Dave, I'll buzz Jonathan. G. 
speakers for classical music
My ultimate reference for what speakers should sound like is what live performances should sound like. . . in theory. Unfortunately live performances I have attended never sound like what they should. But then, my experience is limited by the Teat... 
Balanced Integrated Amp Connection
Thank you Dave, I see a price of $15K. Is that a discounted introductory price, or is it list? 
Balanced Integrated Amp Connection
Dave, where's info / pricing about this device? 
Review: Playback Designs MPS-5 CD Player
Hrrrumpf! *grins* Mike, this is like. . . totally depressing. . . Is there a site/page for this new device. . . and what are intro prices for it? 
Balanced Integrated Amp Connection
Hhi Dave, what CDp are you planning for your system? 
speakers for classical music
Musicnoise, I have driven Vienna Mahlers initially with Rowland Model 7M monoblocks. . . loads of power, but at only approx 170, damping factor appeared insufficient to control bass drivers completely. . . there was some woolly bloat on double bas... 
speakers for classical music
Yes MRT, I owned a pair of MG IIA for 20 years, marvellous speakers indeed. Drove them with Aragon 4004 first, then with JRDG 7M later. Then I started to wonder why cello vibrato was barely perceptible. . . and why PPPP was so bleedin' similar to ...