
Responses from guidocorona

rowland capri, bat vk3i or vtl 2.5 ?
I am very familiar with the JRDG Capri. I have used it in balanced mode since last March driving a Class D JRDG 312. I prefer it over my own ARC Ref 3. Capri exhibits a very extended response top to bottom which seems to exceed both ends of the Re... 
Jeff Rowland 501s burn in ... a strange experience
There are 2 camps on Capri+PC1. . . . my current opinion is that when Capri is brand new PC1 increases its resolving power to an extent. However, IMO, once Capri is fully broken in, PC1 inhibits full performance of Capri. . . it is worth rememberi... 
Jeff Rowland 501s burn in ... a strange experience
Hi Macro, the answer is. . . it depends. From an efficiency point of view, yes it's a good idea to break in PC1 and amps at the same time. From a financial point of view instead. . . it depends. As for power cords feeding a PC1. . . common sense w... 
Jeff Rowland 501s burn in ... a strange experience
Clavil, I have developed a fun to use Excel spreadsheet that helps with equipment break in tracking/logging. Drop me a note if you'd like to try it out. G on the 501 break in. 
Jeff Rowland 501s burn in ... a strange experience
Clavil, the glib answer would be. . . take 2 Aspirins and call me in 6 months.Here is a more useful answer. . . all new amps need real playing time break-in. . . during this time sound will fluctuate wildly. Different types of amps require differe... 
Jeff Rowland 501s and PC1s
As far as I know JRDG uses mostly Cardas Golden Refs in house for baselining. . . Only ICs I have used on JRDG are AQ Sky. . . I use Cardas Golden Ref speaker wire between JRDG 312 and Vienna Mahlers. For PCs I have tried PAD Anniversary, Cardas G... 
New Rowland Criterion 2-chassis battery pre
Hi Dgarretson, Criterion can operate both on DC and AC. I'll audition the device several times between Oct 9th and 12th. I will also bring along several of my PCs just in case. I will compare very carefully AC and DC ops and post here my totally u... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
Hi Grant, the relatively higher output impedance of 600Ohms of the Ref 3 compared to the more modest 130 of the Lam may partly explain the higher Lam to Pass synergy. G. 
New Rowland Criterion 2-chassis battery pre
Dgarretson, I will ask JRDG about the relative high impedance issue with NiMH that you report. As for SLAs. . . I was burnt once -- and not metaphorically speaking as there were fine flames involved.Marius, I am looking forward to listening to the... 
New Rowland Criterion 2-chassis battery pre
Dave, if you fear you may develop a new case of 'insurmountable need', we should consider an in depth counselling session in front of a bottle of Barolo next month. G 
marantz 11s2 sacd player modifications
"a modifier who wants to make money will do anything"Scary thought MRT. . . I would not send my beloved components to such quack surgeon for fashionable "body modifications!"Why not apply harmless external prosthetics in the form of an external tu... 
Who uses what Class 'd' modules?
Failing memory modules Kijanki? Fear not. . . dump your obsolete DRAM chips and go Flash. . . (grins!) 
New Rowland Criterion 2-chassis battery pre
Yes, Rod Toms confirmed that he will receive a Criterion and will be able to break it in by the time RMAF starts. It will be on a system together with JRDG 312, Vienna Die Muzick, and. . . your very own PD MPS-5 I believe. G. 
Who uses what Class 'd' modules?
That was some impressive list from an aledgedly failing memory Kijanki!Here is one more. . . I believe the new Mark Levinson No. 52 monoblocks are driven by proprietary switching class D modules. 
Diffferences between Spectron and Ice powered amp?
The problem is that not all ICEpower amps are alike. . . in fact they can sound very different from one another, even from the same manufacturer like JRDG. You can think of an ICE module as a tube like the 6550. . . different 6550 amp implementati...