
Responses from gthirteen

Best speaker new or used 2,000 for ROCK?
You know, the Hales speakers are a great rock speaker. that are no longer manufactured, but parts are available.I owned a pair of Revelation 3s, and sold them about 6 months before Paul sold out.Anyway, they're great speakers, as many, many owners... 
Tube Pre-Amp Upgrade Advice for Young Audiophile
My first TUbe PRe was a CJ PV-10AL.SInce you said you are looking for something that is more transparent, I would have to suggest that you NOT buy a CJ-PV10 model. They sound ravishing, but transparent is not a word I would use to describe them.Ma... 
know anything about the Unison Research Unico?
I had an SR-1 Integrated, which is a cooler looking (and more expensive) Unico. (Check the website)There was great airgood on vocals (just a little SS bite, that while some prefer, I'm an all tube man)imaging and soundstaging were what impressed m... 
Any small speakers equal in sound to Hales Rev III
Oh,I would have to disagree with hifiguy RE the 2.9 being a better speaker.true, it's got a nice bottom end, but it sounds less refined to my ears, with a high end that gets a bit tizzy at higher volumes.YMMV 
Any small speakers equal in sound to Hales Rev III
I went from Rev 3s to B&W Nautilus 805.Yep. the bookshelf speaker.Now, OBVIOUSLY, the bass response is nowhere NEAR the Rev3.That is its greatest strength. I could never get them to image just right. I think the dispersion rings might be hurti... 
Albertporter only needs 50
Albert!what a guy.If there's any left (not sure if fifty was the minimum or the max) count me in for 2.Thanks.I nominate Albert Porter for president of SAAG.(Seriously Addicted Audiophiles Guild)Joe 
What do you think of rogue with B & W 805N?
I'm using a Rogue Tempest integrated with B&W N805 speakers.There is NO problem with integration. There is enough power.As far as a Sub, the smart money is on REL, I believe the Strata III is the current model that matches best with the B&... 
Nautilus 805 setup question
I also removed the tweeter grills.Sounds nice.I LISTEN TOTALLY GRILLE-LESS, AND i MUCH PREFER IT THAT WAYI have found that these speakers sound best(not sure why)in a roughly 6.5 foot equilateral triangle.I listen nearfield from the sweet spot, an... 
Free TWEAK that works
Yes, you are INFECTED. DO you have a job?keep up the good work!! 
Top This
I think I'm going to put together a CD of my funeral favorites. 
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Shenandoa- Tony Rice Touch of Grey by the GDTubthumping-Chumbawamba "I get knocked down, but I get up again..."Rocketman-Sir Elton 
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I did it My Way- SinatraPopsickle Toes -Diana Krall- JUST KIDDINGmore to come 
Differences between BW N804 and BW N805?
I was talking about the Nautilus series, as I've never heard the Matrix series.Lthkeeper, did you hear the N804 vs the N805 side by side the same day/same system?And you can successfully Bi-amp the 805.IF you're saying that the $3500 804 are worth... 
VTL integrated? Rogue integrated? Or VTL pre?
I compared the Cary to the Rogue.In my house, the Rogue won. But some may prefer the Cary.THe Cary is a Hell of a lot sexier, though. The Rogue can use 6550s or kt-88 or KT-90 (havent tried these).Mark(s) at Rogue are the best people that I have e... 
Novice attempting to bi-amp. Help
even if you have 2 amps of the same model, I would still be weary of a vertical setup, unless they are a monoblock pair sold as such, or at least factory matched.amps are like people, to a certain extent, it's a nature/nurture kinda thing.IF you'v...