
Responses from gthirteen

How does one get off the merry-go-round?
I did it.But mainly out of necessity.Like many of you guys, I am single, which affords me supreme omnipotence with respect to speaker placement.I'll just say that my small 2 bedroom apt is totally set up around the stereo system. I had it bad. Upg... 
Carl hears through Diamond
Jim, FYI it isnt Wild Turkey and Ether, Carl is an Absinthe man....Just an update to the thread. I got my Cardas Golden Reference 1m cable. Totally different sound than Diamond. Not sure which I'll be keeping, as I'm stepping out of the "hobby" en... 
DAT's not all folks
Ramstl,I have not spoken with Jim, Doug, Marc, or anyone about this.However, I severely doubt that these products will be unavailable in 3 years.There is simply too large a group of users (admittedly, not a readily available medium...ever needed a... 
DAT's not all folks
I own 2, purchased from Jim (Oade). There is widespread (heh) use of these machines among the "tapers" that frequent live music occurrences. Besides tHe Oade's shop, there is Sonic Sense's Marc Nutter in Colorado, who is the western US guru for pe... 
Carl hears through Diamond
Carl!!!I am using AQ D3 and love it. I just purchased a 1m Cardas GR, which I have not received yet. It should be interesting....Good to hear from you again. 
Upgrade from Audioquest Lapis
AQ Diamondx3 is what I went to from Lapisx3. Extremely smooth yet detailed. In comparison to the diamond, Lapis is a bit harsh and tipped up in the treble. I thought it was an awesome cable, until I got my 2 runs of diamond. Unfortunately, Dx3 is ... 
CJ PV5 vs PV8 with Pass Aleph 3
I looked into using an Aleph 3 with my PV 11, and I believe there is an input impedance issue with the Aleph that makes most tubed preampsfairly incompatable with the Aleph line of amps. try searching by "aleph" or perhaps "pass" with the search f... 
Cardas Golden VS AQ Diamondx3. anybody?
Cardas Golden VS AQ Diamondx3. anybody?
Mgottlieb, With some copper cables, there is a somewhat euphonic warming of the sound. WHat I love about silver is a lack of seemingly un-natural (but sometimes nice sounding, depending on the components) warmth. THe Diamond is very neutral , in m... 
Best Copper IC under 200.
I completely agree, having recently used both TARA Master g2 and Viper. Also, AQ Opal is discontinued, but is a brilliant cable (replaced by viper) and should be cheap. 
Help wanted in regards to monitors...
I've not heard the tylers, but they always get good responses, as do the Proacs. I've never liked Aerial speakers, just sound too much like stereo equipment. I can also imagine why the guy above didnt like the Nautilus speakers with Bryston gear, ... 
Tube amp blues
All I can suggest is to swap the tubes between channels, to see if it goes away. It could certainly be a bad or microphonic or old tube, but could possibly be something more. I'm sure someone with more knowledge than I will respond shortly, but th... 
Puccini SE vs.Audio Refinement Complete
Man, it didnt use to be so hard to get an answer...You might try searching the forums by keyword "Puccini" and "complete". I know there's some threads like this out there, because I've responded to at least one. Here are my thoughts:I've heard bot... 
To tube or not to tube...
AHemOkI'll try to explain my case again...Starting from your last question:1)No tubed line stages (preamps) are NOT just for people that like to fiddle about with the insides of stereo equipment.There's just something more "right" with valves in t... 
To tube or not to tube...
YES!!I tried a tubed preamp for about 2 years, with McCormack SS amps. IT was nice. I highly recommend it. I've recently gone ALL-TUBE, and can say that the differences in a good ss amp (McCormack DNA .5 and DNA .5 Rev A) and a good tube amp (old ...